@deadbeefthemonster @siderea @thatandromeda @spiegelmama you can thank the #Copyrightmafia and #DRM for the fact that >85% of all games in the last 20 years can't be archived by legal means...
@yassie_j you can thank the #Copyrightmafia for that shit...
This is why I've never even considered using #Spotify but love #SoundCloud, because it doesn't do that shit!
#SoundCloud #Spotify #copyrightmafia
@silvermoon82 sounds like #Google wants to preemptively comply with #Copyrightmafia and #Cyberfacism...
#UseFirefox #YeetChrome
#yeetchrome #UseFirefox #cyberfacism #copyrightmafia #Google
@interru You can thank assholes that abuse every #Filehoster and a #SueHappy #Copyrightmafia for that...
Seriously, the former one killed #AnonFiles and the latter one is why they only want to allow-list access to their upload function...
#anonfiles #copyrightmafia #suehappy #Filehoster
@ShadowJonathan at least the #Contentmafia version we got now that is completely unhinged and decoupled from the original concept and motivations of a "social contract".
And whilst not legal I'd not condemn someone for choosing to find the "altering of the deal" by the #Copyrightmafia to be binding for themselves.
Espechally if the original #IP holders don't want to license their shit and thus should not be entitled to even claim any damages whatsoever.
#notlegaladvice #ip #copyrightmafia #contentmafia
@mangeurdenuage #Copyrightmafia's favorite court in #Germany...
I really hope @bverfg@social.bund.de will declare this entire ordeal unconstitutional and forces reinstation and restitution for #YoutubeDL.
#unbannable #OpenSource #forks #ytdlp #YouTubeDL #Germany #copyrightmafia
Besides the legal inaccuracy, the #Copyrightmafia is the problem!
@gf #Copyrightmafia does #LateStageCapitalism ...
#latestagecapitalism #copyrightmafia
@glynmoody The #Copyrightmafia doing privatized #InternetCensorship should be banned!
Shit like #CUII is why I've to maintain my own extensive list of non-censored #DNS servers...
I've had to remove @quad9dns from the list:
#DNS #CUII #internetcensorship #copyrightmafia
@Deidzoeb @creativecommons Since the #Copyrightmafia still keeps Nazi-Era laws in place, I've to literally evidence that I violate no copyrights at all - not the opposite around as would be reasonable!
@ariegoldshlager maybe because #Copyright as a system is brolen AND because due to #OCILLA & #DMCA they don't have to but only comply with #takedown-notices...
Not gonna defend #Twitter, but the #Copyrightmafia only cares about #rentseeking via #CollectingAgencies...
#collectingagencies #rentSeeking #copyrightmafia #Twitter #takedown #DMCA #ocilla #Copyright
@glynmoody case i. Point: There is no rational reason beyond #Copyrightmafia's #lobbyism why #Copyright goes 7 decades post-mortem.
If we applied the same with #Patents, there would be equal amounts of #IP #hoarding and lack of innovation as with copyrightable #artworks and IPs resulting in dozens if not hundreds of them being left to rot and stale...
#artworks #hoarding #ip #patents #Copyright #lobbyism #copyrightmafia
@edv_nachrichten naja, ich finde den "#Erfolg" fragwürdig da Studien - unter anderem von der #EU - keinen negativen Einfluss von #Piraterie auf #Verkäufe der Werke belegen...
Hinzu kommt dass allzuoft entsprechende Werke seit z.T. Jahrzehnten nicht mehr gedruckt oder sonstwie aktiv verlegt werden und damit eine künstliche Verknappung seitens der Verleger stattfindet, an die jene nichtmals profitieren...
#copyrightmafia #verkaufe #piraterie #EU #erfolg
@digiges #Leistungsschutzrecht ist nichts anderes als #Copyrightmafia - #Rentseeking und gehört verboten!
#rentSeeking #copyrightmafia #leistungsschutzrecht
@ajsadauskas @technology @music@fedibb.ml @music@lemmy.ml @senficon
Still your core argument is valid: The #Copyrightmafia is the problem.
@jessamyn IMHO I think that #Copyrightmafia is worsening.things for everyone and that the only way forward out of this would be to restrict #Copyrigut to a fixed 25 years AND have it automatically nullified earlier if the licensor refuses to license said content under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
Anything else is just bs...
@carlmalamud @internetarchive @brewsterkahle as much as it's bad to happen, this was so predictable it's shocking they even did that shite...
One does not get any rights to rent, duplicate or otherwise multiply and transfer a book they bought, thanks to the #Copyrightmafia writing the laws...
@vantablack #Copyrightmafia will want a word about that.
It's not 2010 anymore where #YouTube was willing to give #GEMA and other rentseeking "collecting angencies" the finger and tell them to properly file #DMCA claims amd go after the users cuz #OCILLA doesn't make the hoster liable.
But then again #FBI also went after #Megaupload despite them actually taking down stuff...
#megaupload #FBI #ocilla #DMCA #gema #YouTube #copyrightmafia
@vollkorn ja, die #Copyrightmafia verlangt immernoch #Schutzgeld für #Datenträger und Geräte, obwohl dies wegen der faktischen Abschaffung der #Privatkopie formell ein Profitieren an illegalen Handlungen ist!
#privatkopie #datentrager #Schutzgeld #copyrightmafia