Is it not true that you no longer have to submit a copy of your work to the #CopyrightOffice to register it. The #ValencourtBooks decision involved a section of the Copyright Act that doesn't have anything to do with registration, but rather is about giving copies of works to the Library of Congress for their collection gratis. #Copyright #TakingsClause
#copyrightoffice #valencourtbooks #copyright #takingsclause
The US #CopyrightOffice reiterates its rule that the "author" of a copyrightable work must be a human being, and tries to clarify the ways in which authors may use tools, including #AI tools, to assist in producing copyrightable work.
For example, an author "may modify material originally generated by AI technology to such a degree that the modifications meet the standard for copyright protection."
#copyright #authorship #ai #copyrightoffice
Self-publishing News: A New US Group Seeks to Protect Copyright from State Legislation #ProtecttheCreativeEconomy #CopyrightOffice #Marylandlibrary #Marylandebook #AIBridgerton #copyrightAI #LatestNews #ChatGPT4
#protectthecreativeeconomy #copyrightoffice #Marylandlibrary #marylandebook #aibridgerton #copyrightai #latestnews #chatgpt4
#Copyright #AIArt #CopyrightOffice
It's exactly what I felt that all logic dictated what was going to happen. And somehow that in of itself is slightly surprising.
#copyright #aiart #copyrightoffice
" When registering works, authors must distinguish which content is human-authored and which content is AI-generated. If applicants aren’t sure how to refer to the AI-generated content, the #CopyrightOffice recommends providing a general statement that the work contains AI-generated content."
#Authors risk losing #copyright if #AI content is not disclosed, US guidance says | #GenerativeAI | Ars Technica
#generativeAI #ai #copyright #authors #copyrightoffice
@internetarchive The problem is copyright had gone from28 years to longer the lifespan of every American. It can be fixed in this country with some simple changes.
1. Copyright renewal should not be automatic.
2. Public performance should be fair use after 28 years (the original copyright limit). 3. Limit heirs and estates to works exactly as copyrighted, not derivative works. #copyright #copyrightoffice
#20yrsago Ipsos-Reid sez #P2P doesn’t hurt record sales
#20yrsago #CopyrightOffice posts #AntiCircumvention comments
#20yrsago London's weird confluence of Orthodox Judiasm and proprietary software
#20yrsago Skunkworks: #Enron’s spiritual forebears
#15yrsago Loony evangelical says he engineered Canadian film tax-credit changes that doom edgy indie movies
#20yrsago #p2p #copyrightoffice #anticircumvention #enron #15yrsago
#10yrsago Hobbit producers to #NewZealand: if you tell people how we got our sweet tax/labor deal, no one will want to make movies in your country
#5yrsago @eff tells the #CopyrightOffice: we don’t know how to make voice assistants better, but here’s how not to make them worse
#10yrsago #newzealand #5yrsago #copyrightoffice
#TorrentFreak :
NFTs Excite Hollywood But Not Because They Can Solve Piracy #U.S.CopyrightOffice #copyrightoffice #LawandPolitics #nft
#torrentfreak #u #copyrightoffice #lawandpolitics #nft
#10yrsago #RIAA bigwig who architected anti-technology lawsuits is now #2 at the #CopyrightOffice
#10yrsago #Magic, #copyright, and internal enforcement mechanisms S Moorad Sports Law Journal/~/media/academics/journals/sportsandentertainmentlawjournal/docs/191/VLS_191_103.ashx
#10yrsago Why can’t Americans look up their own case-law for free?
#10yrsago #riaa #copyrightoffice #magic #copyright
#TorrentFreak : U.S. Copyright Office Finds ‘Deep Disagreement’ on Anti-Piracy Measures #copyrightoffice #LawandPolitics #TPM
#torrentfreak #copyrightoffice #lawandpolitics #tpm
I just have SO MANY questions about this cartoon. #Patents #USPTO #CopyrightOffice
#patents #uspto #copyrightoffice
Oh, wow, this image the USPTO just shared is....really something.
#patents #uspto #copyrightoffice
I just registered (again?) for #PACER, to read some court cases about #copyright of course. It doesn't like my credit card, which the #LoC #copyrightoffice happily accepted.
Does this at least mean that my data, being untrustworthy, will not be send to the #NSA?
#pacer #copyright #loc #copyrightoffice #nsa