@jeffowski century-long IP laws have created this problem. Fix #Copyright and it goes a long way to fixing pay. #CopyrightReform
RT @samdonvil
What direction should #copyright go after the last round of EU #copyrightreform. @Brigitte_Vezina speaks on behalf of @communia_eu and presents their 20 recommendations for #publicdomain & #copyrightreform https://communia-association.org/policy-recommendations/ @meemoo #publiekdomeindag, https://communia-association.org/policy-recommendations/
#Copyright #copyrightreform #publicdomain #publiekdomeindag
Hello! It occurs to me I haven't actually made an #introduction / #introductions / #interests post yet, so now is as good a time as any.
My name is WhenGryphonsFly! I'm a computer programmer with an interest in #ElectoralReform, such as #ProportionalRepresentation, #STARVoting, and #UncapTheHouse. I am also interested in #CopyrightReform, such as reduction of term lengths (20 years or less), expansion of fair use (particularly in regards to derivative works), and expansion of compulsory licensing (for everything, basically). Some of my other interests include #FuckCars, #FourDayWorkWeek and #SixHourWorkDay, #Corvid (especially #BlueJay), #ProgrammingLanguage design (I'm making my own!), #GameBoyAdvance, #Pokemon, and #TwinPrimes.
I mostly lurk and boost, as my social anxiety unfortunately extends to social media. Still, I'm glad to be here!
* Note: while my stance on copyright in general might imply I support Copilot, Stable Diffusion, etc.; I emphatically do not.
#introduction #introductions #interests #electoralreform #proportionalrepresentation #starvoting #uncapthehouse #copyrightreform #fuckcars #fourdayworkweek #sixhourworkday #corvid #bluejay #programminglanguage #gameboyadvance #pokemon #twinprimes
My thoughts on Copyright Reform
#jkrowling #copyrightreform #harrypotter
So this is a thing that exists. Just in time for #PublicDomainDay too! Thanks for tracking this @freewillie it'll be good to see #Disney 's almost century-old content finally transitioning to the public domain, after they've done so much harm to copyright law through their lobbying efforts.
#copyrightreform #Copyright #Disney #publicdomainday
New @themitpress book: 'Copyright's Broken Promise: How to Restore the Law's Ability to Promote the Progress of Science' by John Willinsky
#OpenAccess #CopyrightReform
Another great video series related to this is Everthing is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson.
#music #copyrightreform #everythingisaremix
If you have any interest in #music and #copyrightreform , Adam Neely has a great new video discussing what it means to own a song.
How many layers of #disney #dmca are you on right now #auspol #copyrightreform
#disney #dmca #auspol #copyrightreform
Good news: Julia Reda is back. With a vengeance ;-)
#Urheberrecht #copyright #art17 #copyrightreform #controlc #gff #juliareda
#urheberrecht #copyright #art17 #copyrightreform #controlc #gff #juliareda
Oltre al #telavevodetto durante la #copyrightreform, faccio notare a La Repubblica che la traduzione di "bafoue la loi" in "viola la legge" è errata (e tendenziosa).
« L'appello dei giornalisti francesi: Google non si ponga al di sopra della legge » https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2019/10/17/news/l_appello_dei_giornalisti_francesi_google_non_stia_al_di_sopra_della_legge-238814308/ via @repubblica
#telavevodetto #copyrightreform
Get in touch with MEPs and make them aware of #OpenSource and article 13's impact on it. (#Urheberrechtsreform, #CopyrightReform):
#opensource #urheberrechtsreform #copyrightreform
MEP Axel Voss wants to kill off platforms that "give their users access to copyright protected works".
Everything you post is copyright-protected by definition.
Do you now see why the #CopyrightReform is actually about censorship and not copyright?
RT Senficon https://twitter.com/Senficon/status/1105870325852635136
RT https://twitter.com/NewBeAnon/status/1104858945028526081
Voss meeting with Axel Springer CEO and EU-Commisoner on #CopyrightDirective "The note from meeting shows the EU representatives assuring the publisher that new law will strengthen the position of organizations managing copyright law"
#copyrightdirective #stopacta2 #copyrightreform #article13
oh the irony ! audiovisual and sport sectors lobbyists are now arguing against #article13 of the #copyrightreform because it will *strengthen* the power of online content sharing platforms https://juliareda.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Audiovisual-and-Sports-on-Value-Gap.pdf welcome to the light side, "friends"
RT @dhbln@twitter.com: Das ist die Reaktion, wenn der #CDU ein erfolgreicher Schlag gegen das freie Internet gelungen ist.
#copyrightreform #cdu #copyright #copyrightdirective
RT @ivir_uva@twitter.com
Academics launch final appeal to European Parliament before vote on controversial copyright reform tomorrow, 12 September: https://www.ivir.nl/academics-against-press-publishers-right/
#copyrightreform #Urheberrechtsreform #FixCopyright #SaveYourInternet
#copyrightreform #urheberrechtsreform #fixcopyright #saveyourinternet