We went out for dinner last night and stared at the quiet.
#LivingInTheTropics #CoralSea #GBR
#livinginthetropics #coralsea #gbr
A majestic Green Sea Turtle near Heron Island, Australia.
#AIArt #MidJourney #AIPhotography #Wildlife #Nature #CoralSea
#aiart #midjourney #aiphotography #wildlife #nature #coralsea
Our lovely beach, only a few steps from the house. With our heavy hearts we had a good pause, some deep breathing and stretch of the eyes.
#WhereTheRainfirestMeetsTheSea #FNQ #LivingInTheTropics #GreatBarrierReef #CoralSea
#wheretherainfirestmeetsthesea #FNQ #livinginthetropics #greatbarrierreef #coralsea
"Three new #nautilus species described from the #CoralSea and #SouthPacific"
#nautilus #coralsea #southpacific