@opalbreezegames @enfors Makes me think of the Pathways and Lifepath character creation methods from #CortexPrime and #TravellerRPG, respectively.
Pictured: One pathways table from the #coreTEK hack, one the Cortex Handbook, and a 4-term Traveller character generation output from https://ffilz.github.io/Gaming/travellercharactergenerator.html
#cortexprime #travellerrpg #coreTEK
I was really into #StarTrekAdventures last year, and also #FFGStarWars, and then #Traveller, and I would TOTALLY play those again (especially Star Trek; I have trekkie friends who play D&D so, like, it's destiny) but for now I'm just really into #CortexPrime because I ran a poll to pick a supers game for a friend's birthday and we settled on #GCOCHR which was such a hit we decided to adopt the system for a mecha campaign (and found #coreTEK).
#startrekadventures #FFGStarWars #traveller #cortexprime #gcochr #coreTEK
@stormtechnician I even went and threw together a #perchance generator for #coreTEK mecha configurations: https://perchance.org/7j5kc7hbpp
@stormtechnician I am *obsessed*. Currently planning a mecha insurrection story set in a world occupied by alien invaders! Having a real good time with Values & Relationships, Roles & Powers as our "Prime Sets" for Story- and Battle-modes, respectively. There's a commercially licensed Mecha v. Kaiju setting coming out later, but in the meantime we're wringing out every drop of goodness from a community-licensed "hack" called #coreTEK.
Working on a new layout for my #CortexPrime #mecha generator. This one doesn't currently implement *all* the possible powers, and yeah, it's a little cramped on mobile (try turning your phone landscape), but it's a better homage to the original #coreTEK character sheets and rules.
Frankly, I am still uncertain on how, exactly, to balance power traits. What's the spread?
d8, d8
d6, d6, d6?
Well, I am having fun learning as I implement.
@chrishopper Here's my fork of #coreTEK with the pathways table included.
More relationships and resources mapped for our upcoming #coreTEK campaign. Got sick of drawing on the PDF character sheets, and found a Mermaid editor to handle the layout.
Very happy with the state of my #coreTEK "Mech Powers" #perchance generator, now that I've added limits and—through the power of imports—technobabble module names. Do they match the associated #CortexRPG powers? Do they make any sense whatsoever? Perhaps not! But they _imply_ sense-making, and that's the spark that lights the fire of imagination. We are just _inching_ towards #TTRPG verisimilitude, here.
#coreTEK #perchance #CortexRPG #ttrpg
Last 5 #TTRPG I've run:
#MarvelHeroic (a proto-Cortex)
#TwilightImperium (also Genesys)
#StarWars (#GenesysRPG)
#StarTrek (Modiphius' #2d20)
Did a little character creation with #VampireTheMasquerade 5e, but haven't gotten a proper game night going.
Now fully engaged with #CortexPrime, specifically @angille's #coreTEK setting.
#ttrpg #marvelheroic #dnd5e #TwilightImperium #starwars #genesysrpg #startrek #2D20 #VampireTheMasquerade #cortexprime #coreTEK
Last Tuesday we took an hour discovering just the first of seven stages for three intrepid (and dramatically entangled) Mech pilots. This involved NPCs charted, as well as resources that will come into play during Story Mode (the actual Battle Mode TEK system traits we'll stat out last; they're manufactured separately from the characters, of course).
Thoroughly enjoying my ongoing fixation with #coreTEK on #CortexRPG!
Just LOOK at all these life-stages a Mech pilot's gotta get through before the real battle begins. 🤖🚀💥 #coreTEK #CortexRPG