The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2713 followers · 4561 posts · Server

Up at silly o’clock this morning, just as the sun was rising and what a sight to behold.

In numbers (4-5 dozen), these are some type of feeding away in the freshly laid bark, in a nearby park.

I think these little fellas are called going by a quick google search. They’re a sub-genus of the white cockatoo, I read with interest!

They seemed unfazed by my presence, although I did creep up on them, and they appear to be quite placid and behaving nicely probably because they’re filling their bellies on this fine, but cool Melbourne morning.

7 degrees (14F), but the sun’s out and it is forecast to be a cloudless, sunshiny day 🙌☀️

Havan awes day whatever you’re up to today!!


#corella #LittleCorella #birdsofmastodon #mostliveable #downunder #animalsofmastodon #melbourne #victoria #narrm #australia #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

GPMoore.Esq · @gpmoore_esq
208 followers · 297 posts · Server
Andrew Burrell · @ab
126 followers · 43 posts · Server

The Corellas have arrived on their yearly rounds of the street trees. They seem very methodical in the way they move through the trees, one at a time, and on mass. And always keeping an watchful eye on the world below.

#birds #urbanfieldnaturalist #birdsofmastodon #corella #LittleCorella

Last updated 2 years ago

GPMoore.Esq · @gpmoore_esq
157 followers · 178 posts · Server