@valens116 Sorry, Nikki. I think the connection I made was a quick connection to #CoreyKonieczka in my mind. The connection was from your work on #MansionsOfMadness in relation to Corey Konieczka who was a designer on the 1st edition of the game and also designed Space Hulk: Death Angel.
My cognitive impairment plays tricks on me sometimes. 😹
Your new game looks awesome. I love how the society is based around mutual aid and cooperation. Such a great example for the world of board gaming.
#coreykonieczka #mansionsofmadness
Ein fast komplettes Neuheitenwochenende: Atiwa, Star Wars Rebellion, Woodcraft, Tiletum & Robin Hood - Bruder Tuck in Gefahr.
Da kann es regnen, so lange es will🤣
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#_tante_tiffy_ #acoupleofboardgames #Brettspiel #spielen #boardgames #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grubellahmung #Atiwa #UweRosenberg #vladimirsuchy #woodcraft #StarWarsRebellion #coreykonieczka #tiletum #simoneluciani #danieltascini #MichaelMenzel #robinhood #brudertuckingefahr