Head of Information and Communications Technology and Change Management at #CorkCoCo has an automated message on their answering service with an American accent telling me to press the pound key. What even is the pound key? I am not making this up. Now I understand why the system is so useless. #mastodaoine
The #CorkCoCo online planning submission system is so bad that I'm beginning to think it must be deliberate. It doesn't work with either Firefox or Safari and an IT guy from the council just told me that I needed to try another browser or from another device, as if that was a reasonable solution. And all the while the background assumption I'm getting from them is "this stoopid woman can't work tech" #GiveMeStrength
#corkcoco #givemestrength #mastodaoine
I'm trying to lodge an objection to a planning application for a massive wind farm in an area of outstanding natural beauty, more details in the link, however Cork CoCo web interface for planning is like something out of Noah's Ark and just won't work, hours on the phone and no one has any idea why it's not working for me. This is not good enough. #CorkCoCo
Not enough snow to warrant a day off school, much to the kid’s chagrin but gorgeous nonetheless.
#snow #garretstown #naturalbeauty #dawn #countycork #corkcoco
#snow #garretstown #naturalbeauty #dawn #countycork #corkcoco