On September 8, 2007, No Country for Old Men was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s some Javier Bardem fan art!
#NoCountryForOldMen #TheCoenBrothers #JavierBardem #CormacMcCarthy #Western #NeoWestern #2000sMovies #CrimeThriller #ActionMovie #Texas #Portrait #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#nocountryforoldmen #thecoenbrothers #javierbardem #cormacmccarthy #western #neowestern #2000smovies #crimethriller #actionmovie #texas #portrait #movieart #art #moviehistory
Formába öntötte kollektív rettegésünket – Cormac McCarthy különleges életműve Idén júniusban hunyt el a huszadik század egyik legfontosabb írója, aki egész életművét egy olívazöld írógépen pötyögte le. Elolvastuk magyarul most megjelent párregényét. https://www.valaszonline.hu/2023/08/31/cormac-mccarthy-stella-maris-az-utas-irodalom-regeny-recenzio/ #EgyesültÁllamok #CormacMcCarthy #irodalom #Induló #regény #Kult #Azút
#egyesultallamok #cormacmccarthy #irodalom #indulo #regeny #kult #azut
had a good chat with paul and jesse of #HowToKickflipAHorse about #CormacMccarthy #BaldursGate #JoeAbercrombie and a bunch of other #ttrpg stuff and #VideoGame stuff! vid up on the youtube some time tomorrow.
#videogame #ttrpg #joeabercrombie #BaldursGate #cormacmccarthy #howtokickflipahorse
All the Petty Horses
#TomPetty #CormacMcCarthy
#cormacmccarthy #tompetty #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
“Nunca se sabe de lo que la mala suerte te ha salvado”.
Fragmento: No es país para viejos, Cormac Mccarthy.
BSO de la publicación - Spotify:
Cormac Mccarthy:
Abrazos desde la Argentina.
#Fragmentosdelibros #Fragmentos #libros #CormacMccarthy #bookstodon #mastolibros #mastodon #mastoart
#fragmentosdelibros #fragmentos #libros #cormacmccarthy #bookstodon #mastolibros #mastodon #mastoart
Sorry McCarthy, maar ik begrijp niet goed wat je wil overbrengen en je gebruikt halve zinnen en gekke zinsconstructies… I hate to do this maar euh… 1⭐️ #boekentoot #cormacmccarthy #DePassagier #boeken
#boekentoot #cormacmccarthy #depassagier #boeken
Elogio dell’eccesso /3: Cormac McCarthy e il rosso della sera dell’Occidente https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/07/20/elogio-delleccesso-3-cormac-mccarthy-il-rosso-della-sera-delloccidente/ #AcademyofArtsandLetters #borsadistudioMacArthur #Ilguardianodelfrutteto #FondazioneGuggenheim #FondazioneRockfeller #letteraturaamericana #Nonèunpaesepervecchi #MitodellaFrontiera #Cittàdellapianura #Meridianodisangue #AmandaBinkyUrban #Cavalliselvaggi #WilliamFaulkner #CormacMcCarthy #Oltreilconfine #Knopf
#AcademyofArtsandLetters #borsadistudioMacArthur #Ilguardianodelfrutteto #FondazioneGuggenheim #FondazioneRockfeller #letteraturaamericana #Nonèunpaesepervecchi #MitodellaFrontiera #Cittàdellapianura #Meridianodisangue #AmandaBinkyUrban #Cavalliselvaggi #williamfaulkner #cormacmccarthy #Oltreilconfine #Knopf
I was body slamming my copy of ‘All the Pretty Horses’ but then mom said, “Quit horsing around!”.
#cormacmccarthy #HashtagGames #horsearoundwithaplot
‘It’s not #ClimateChange, it’s everything change’: sci-fi authors take on the global crisis
David Barnett
Sun 9 Jul 2023 08.00 EDT
#MargaretAtwood and #CormacMcCarthy led the way. Now a new crop of novelists is putting the heating emergency at the forefront of their plots
#ClimateChange #margaretatwood #cormacmccarthy
I’m not going to post more quotes from this brilliant book, because it is a giant quotation in (by?) itself.
Read the whole thing.
“The factual and the suspect are both subject to the same dimming with time. There is a fusion in the memory of events which is at loose ends where reality is concerned. You wake from a nightmare with a certain relief. But that doesn erase it. It's always there. Even after it's forgotten.”
Stella Maris https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60526802-stella-maris
“Well. I think maybe it’s harder to lose just one thing than to lose everything.” -
“One thing could be everything.”
— Cormac McCarthy, “Stella Maris”.
Nel libro di #cormacmccarthy si menziona Henry Miller. E in questo suo modo di scrivere - più disfunzionale rispetto alle opere del passato - ci trovo molto di Miller.
Sincero: no, non è il suo libro migliore, ma sì, sarà un libro di cui si parlerà a lungo.
Lettura impegnativa, per forma più che per contenuto: poco convenzionale, non è un libro per tutti (a mio giudizio).
Started The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy and boy could he write.
#cormacmccarthy #reading
I was just starting this when the sad news of #CormacMcCarthy’s passing broke.
I enjoy all his work & return to it often, but #BloodMeridian is his masterpiece - poetic, savage, & profound. I’ve read this a few times now & there are images I just cannot shake. And the Judge is perhaps his most compelling and inscrutable antagonist.
The final third through to it’s devastating conclusion is just masterful. Perfect even. & finishing it just now, man, it still hits.
#cormacmccarthy #bloodmeridian #nowreading #bookstodon
“Lots of opinions. It doesnt mean he's got a brain.” — Cormac McCarthy, “The Passenger”.
“When has death ever harmed anyone?” — Cormac McCarthy, “The Passenger”.
“I'm hardly a stranger to grief and pain myself. It's just that the provenance of these discomforts is not always clear. I've long had the thought that to cook everything down to a single plight might make it more palatable.” — Cormac McCarthy, “The Passenger”.
“…forgiveness has a time limit. While it’s never too late for revenge.” — Cormac McCarthy, “The Passenger”.