The #Ithaca public is not happy with #Cornell. People are mobilizing to try to force this stingy Ivy to pay.
However, read the last line of this article. Everyone knows these negotiations are happening, but neither the City of Ithaca nor Cornell will address them, despite that they will deeply affect our taxes, our schools, and our public services for... THE NEXT 30 YEARS
Sound like democracy to you? It sure doesn't to me.
#Cornell owns 45% of proportion of the taxable property value in #Ithaca but is stingy as hell and does not care about the community, refuses to increase its contribution to a reasonable level.
This deal would result in an estimated to be $83 million payment over three decades. Cornell is currently spending $110 on a single building.
This #IvyLeague university is actively working to starve the city it resides in.
Utterly disgusting behavior from Cornell.
Billions for Ukrainian Nazis as Americans struggle with housing, healthcare, inflated food costs, and an unaffordable education system.
The is the "Progressive agenda" of Joe Biden
#Cornell West 24
Billions for Ukrainian Nazis as Americans struggle with housing, healthcare, inflated food costs, and an unaffordable education system.
The is the "Progressive agenda" of Joe Biden
#Cornell West 24
其實有自信的大學,應該像 #Cornell 那樣,設定幾個專門領域,提供空間,協助全球學者的研究作品集結,發佈 doi、pdf 展示下載頁面,讓同儕可以相互刺激科學研究,甚至也可做同儕審查、正式出版等 (我的玩法跟你不一樣,我就是中心);而不是一直在追某幾個 index 資料庫的虛名,因為這根本不會讓你的大學名譽成長,反而促成學術研究者追求 I I I (唉唉唉) 虛名,讓某幾個中心化企業集團壟斷全球學術產業。
而台灣所謂 #TSSCI,只是將上述的企業集團替換成傾國家之力,來做同樣的事,是仿效進而鞏固同樣的學術生產與評比邏輯,並不是反思、創新,甚至破壞它,從而有自己在學術結構上的獨特做法,這樣會讓國家整體的學術,本就邊陲會更往邊陲地位定位,因為你有看過 follow 者變得更強大,變成中心的嗎?
Excited to be at #Cornell this week! Visiting the Department of Computational Biology to catch up with the April Wei lab & other amazing scholars.
I’ll be giving a talk on HPV diversity and cancer on Thursday, September 7 at 2pm. Hope to see you there! 🧬🦠
"Cornell information science professor Helen Nissenbaum was the first to theorize ["contextual privacy"], defining privacy as the appropriate flow of information in a given context. Specifically, Nissenbaum ties privacy to contextual norms about what information is revealed and who it is revealed to. This definition contrasts with one-dimensional theories of privacy which focus on universal ideas of control, secrecy, and sensitivity."
#privacy #helennissenbaum #cornell
Cornell will spend $110 million on *a single building* while it can't even throw 2% of that annually to the city it resides in--because it doesn't have to, as residents face unaffordable rents and cost of living increases, as publicly-funded services struggle because #Cornell refuses to increase funding.
For prospective students considering universities, keep in mind that this #IvyLeague is regarded as completely disconnected and hostile to the community it resides in.
During public comment in a recent city hall meeting, residents noted that residents face high property taxes while public services remain underfunded.
Students and faculty benefit from mental health services, the fire department, but are effectively subsidized by locals.
The #Ithaca & Tompkins County is facing financial difficulties, facing service cuts and difficulty hiring and retaining drivers, for which #Cornell has refused to increase funding.
Cornell is currently negotiating a secret deal with the City of #Ithaca, regarding its payment in lieu of taxes.
Despite being obscenely wealthy, it is technically a nonprofit and does not have to pay taxes.
Cornell's propaganda wing, the Chronicle, has just run this piece, as a way to purchase some PR and frame itself as a benevolent overlord.
$150K is small considering that #Cornell pay only $1.4m to the city each year, but if it were taxable, it'd pay over $35m
What does it mean for scholarly fields to have an impact, and how do they compare?
Had a *great* conversation yesterday with my #Cornell colleague Yian Yin, who linked academic papers with government mentions, news mentions, and patents.
This chart from his research compares different fields in terms of these three outcomes
Here at #Cornell, the academic year is now underway. What's your favorite advice for gradstudents starting a new semester?
@cynblogger I often take a look at this feed and some of the other #cornell #cams.
OK we shall give credit where it's due, kudos to #Cornell for actually listening to its students and community for once and dropping #Starbucks
You cannot proudly serve #Starbucks because Starbucks is an anti-labor, law-violating union buster.
And so they had to go.
If any other universities want to follow suit, let's go!
New book considers the impact of electronic #logging devices on drivers-Truckers News
A new book by a #Cornell University prof takes a deep dive into the arrival & use of #ELD s, and the effect the technology has had on truckers. Data Driven: #Truckers, Technology, & the New Workplace #Surveillance by Karen Levy arrived last month from #Princeton University Press
#privacy #princeton #surveillance #truckers #eld #cornell #logging
#Cornell does not renew #Starbucks contract after chain closes #unionized stores in #Ithaca
#cornell #starbucks #unionized #ithaca
Thanks to many of you, I now have more #Cornell folks on Mastodon to share!
First, I forgot to include our own lab! This includes @sarahgilbert
@inquiline pointed me to @SaraBPritchard & @phoebesengers !
And @asociologist pointed me to @john_zinda and @Schnabel
Who else from Cornell is on Mastodon? Let us know so we can follow you!
It's a new semester, so who else on Mastodon is at #Cornell?
Share your info and I'll reshare it in this thread!
My current list:
@natefoster @NeilLewisJr @asociologist @pandainthewoods @Mor @tarleton @WeedenKim @stevenstrogatz @SocArXivBot @jtlg @AliCirone