If the orange mobster wins it won't be because of 3rd parties and because of Cornel West. It'll be because the democratic party gave up on working people under Clinton and took the corporate money. Biden is a terrible candidate, look at the top leadership, it's like something out of King Lear. Love @rbreich but this is wrong https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/11/robert-reich-third-party-candidates-will-help-trump-win #uspolitics #biden #trump #cornelwest
“The art of our necessities is strange
That can make vile things precious.”
Lear (a 3, s 2)
#cornelwest #trump #biden #uspolitics
@CosmicTrigger @benda @SocialistStan
Why not #CornelWest?
I like Jesse Ventura also, i hope he runs libertarian
in Zizek's Perverts Guide to Ideology he reviews The Dark Night and explains that the morality of Batman in this film is rooted in the old conservative notion of 'The Noble Lie" the people cannot handle the truth, they need, even "deserve" myths and deceptions. And the Joker is a threat to the entire order exactly because he practices a kind of radical honesty that shakes gotham to it's foundation.
Seeing how #CornelWest is drawing the ire of both the Democratic establishment and now 'alt' psuedo leftists like Jimmy Dore and Krystal Ball, i think that's kindof what's happening. West is giving the game away.
I've been registered dem since i was 18 but i'm gonna write in #CornelWest in the primary cuz it's funny
I think what we Americans should all do is start demanding that Biden step the fuck down and they open up the primary, because Biden can't win, and this time around Sanders would be a sure win, but he'll only run if Biden abdicates.
But idk, I think the idea that West can't win is kindof a self fulfilling prophecy, i mean if everyone sick of the 2 party system voted West he's win by a landslide. Hell, even if he starts polling at 15% that could have unexpected multiplier effects.
But yeah in lieu of that, he is raising issues and educating people, like his stance on Palestine is better than most leftists, he's talking about reparations and landback, he invokes the legacy of kronstadt and franz fannon.
So at the very least he'll expose people to some radical ideas, he's certainly far more of an actual socialist than Sanders
Do you think RFK Jr voters will pinch their noses and #VoteGreen in 2024? #rfkjr #cornelwest #thirdparty
#VoteGreen #rfkjr #cornelwest #thirdparty
for a while i was a little concerned that #CornelWest might actually be some kind of right wing psyop or crypto christo fash, but after seeing Jimmy Dore and Krystal Ball -- two right wing funded psuedo leftists go after him -- I don't think it's the case, because West is becoming a threat to *their* grift, their class reductionist white nationalist quasi progressivism along with their entire class of punditry
This has been a concern of mine, since initially so many cringe people have expressed sympathy towards West, like BJG or Chris Hedges ( honestly the least worst of the kind I'm referencing ) but now that it's becoming clear that West isn't a grifter willing to throw out marginalized people and repeat right wing talking points about 'identity politics" but actually has a radically intersectional anti capitalist worldview their entire smug ediface is falling apart, they *need* the two party system in order to peddle their red-brownism
I love to fucking see it, these pundits are informational peace police, they are managers of opposition and sheepdogs of reaction, we need to purge these motherfuckers from our midst, yes, Krystal, "the left" should be threatened
#JimmyDore, the psuedo left grifter who takes putinist dark money tried to grill #CornelWest on #Covid "The whole thing was a hoax" and West just mops the floor with him.
what a piece of shit, so glad the trash took itself out.
Cornel the Crank certainly has a right to run for President, but if he thinks he will make a difference other than siphoning votes away from the one political party that will prevent our slide into authoritarianism he is a fool. #USpol #GreenParty #Democrats #CornelWest
#cornelwest #democrats #greenparty #USpol
anybody know an instance that would host a #CornelWest shill account? also if anyone wants to help manage said shill account, I'm actually not a very good shill, and I don't even believe in voting really
Cornel West is on the Jimmy Dore Show tonight, show is just starting now...
#cornelwest #cornelwest2024 #greenparty #jimmydore
one of my acid realizations was that I should probably take a step back from the #CornelWest shit, because of just how paranoid and ugly it already is, while of course I want to get people talking about mass incarceration and reparations, and apparently the election is the only means in US society to bring issues to bear on a national level, coming up against the grain of the herd mentality when they are at their most irrational and groupthinky, or me personally having to deal with the extreme vitriol from liberals and their hopeless quietist worldview which for them justifies all manner of lies and interpersonal abuse against anyone to their left, while they absolutely refuse to do anything about their clearly inept and incompetent leadership. Idk if it's worth it.
Americans fucking suck, especially the libs and left, ya'll mofos are so absolutely imprisoned by your own algorithm fueled propaganda, so completely identified with your little consumerist psuedo activist niche and the social expectation of your 100% fake community of non-friends who don't give a shit about you , the possibility of any alternative terrifies you. That's why most of them can't even leave twitter lmao
"Biden does actually have primary challengers. #RFKjr who I think is extremely problematic for lots of reasons that we don't need to get into..." - @ggreenwald
I wish you would sir, people need to hear it from you, but this is progress. I love #CornelWest but I wish he'd have run in the Democratic primary. The party is corrupt but you keep proving it till it's undeniable. You also pass #RankedChoiceVoting everywhere and vote third party in the general only where it's already solid red or blue.
#rfkjr #cornelwest #RankedChoiceVoting
Russia's totally unprovoked genocidal invasion of #Ukraine has included deliberate attacks on housing, schools, and hospitals, massacres of thousands of civilians, destruction of civilian energy infrastructure, rape, torture, and kidnapping 100K children who were shipped to Russia.
#CornelWest's support for Putin's genocide disqualifies him from serious political discussion.
#USPOL #imperialism #antiwar #BRICS #RBN #RevolutionaryBlackoutNetwork #Decolonization
#decolonization #revolutionaryblackoutnetwork #rbn #brics #antiwar #imperialism #uspol #cornelwest #Ukraine
#CornelWest is another narcissistic, "I'm in it for me" rabble rouser who believes that going against the grain is a political #ideology. His so-called #candidacy is a joke without a punchline. All he's doing is feeding his #ego at the expense of the best interests of the nation. And for what? At the end of the day, he'll just be another quirky also-ran in the footnote of #history.
#cornelwest #ideology #candidacy #ego #history
I agree on Clinton, she was just bad at everything and her combination of incompetence and entitlement is directly responsible for getting trump elected imo
As for the difference between 3rd party and independent, yes, but even then a left leading independent would likely still side with the Dems in the absence of a 3rd party, as Sanders did - he had an agreement with the Dems long before he Joined them.
#CornelWest is running with the Green Party, who does have candidates in various offices already, and Consider the guy spent 40 years in Ivy League schools I'm sure he personally knows lots of qualified people to serve as judges and other positions.
Whether it's worth devoting resources to is another question, in this particular case I think having a candidate who is talking about prison abolition and reparations and dismantling the Empire is a good in itself regardless of whether he can win, and the campaign can be used as a way to get people involved on a local level like registering people to vote or organizing tenants or other things that are good regardless of whether this guy has a shot.
I'm personally not sacrificing much besides just publicly announcing my intention and posting the occasional meme or countering liberal talking points once in a while
I don't know whether or not @MikeBon will ever listen to a reasonable argument. Either way, he speaks for #CornelWest, and for the other Pro-GOP Leftists who are working as hard as they can to install an overtly fascist party in positions of power. Their viciously offensive words and their despicably cruel actions are harming millions of Americans.
Seven years after Trump's election, it shouldn't be necessary to expose these people for what they are. But sadly, it is.
Yup. And @MikeBon is face of #CornelWest's campaign.
I'm sick and tired of people portraying Cornel West as some kind of hopeful idealist. There is nothing idealistic about looking into the tear-soaked eyes of a woman who is bleeding to death in a rest stop bathroom, screaming in agony, and asking her "well, what good is body autonomy anyway?"
O Bernie, hear this passionate plea
From the brilliant Cornel West:
What of Trump's neo-fascism,
Which you so fear and detest?
Your answer will tell us what you believe
#cornelwest #berniesanders #joebiden #donaldtrump #ode #poetry
#cornelwest #berniesanders #joebiden #donaldtrump #ode #poetry