Eigentlich würde ich gerne meine Reichweite für meine Projekte oder politische Aktivität nutzen, aber mir fällt heute nichts Gescheites ein.
Deswegen gibt es jetzt Bilder von meiner #Kornnatter Cornelius „Corny“ von Quetsch. Er ist eine unfassbar niedliche #Schlange und liebt es, mich zu beobachten.
Anfassen ist aber scheiße. 😂
#Kornnatter #schlange #snake #snek #boopnoodle #cornsnake
Top enrichment sources, according to my #snakes (a #cornsnake and a #ballpython)
-underside of the fridge (forbidden)
-the balcony and scents of the outside world in general
-those stiff plastic fibre bags from Ikea that I use for storage (they love wedging themselves between other things already in there)
-tub of dirt
-the vacuum cleaner
-potted plants, newspaper sheets and kitchen paper rolls*
*exclusive to the cornsnake
#snakes #cornsnake #ballpython
The #cornsnake is displeased that I took a photo with flash of her hiding spot in my bookshelf.
Always fascinating to observe how seasonal changes affect the activity levels of my #snakes.
As the days continue to lengthen, the #cornsnake becomes more and more active. She wants to be let out of her terrarium every evening. I used to put her into a little mesh exercise pen, but she keeps wanting out of that too, so now I just let her free-roam the apartment.
Due to her size, she needs to be supervised almost constantly to ensure she doesn’t end up somewhere she shouldn’t be.
Here’s the #cornsnake staring me down while sleeping in her log hide (snakes don’t have eyelids)
#cornsnake #snake #snakesaturday
Made a little video of some test footage I took of my snakes using my new #macro lens (with a bonus slug and bug cameo):
I think the footage is quite decent for my standards, but man, is it hard to stay focused on an animal in motion!
#macro #youtube #macrophotography #snake #ballypthon #cornsnake
In good news Bucket has been taking her food without braining the past couple of weeks. HOORAY. She's clearly feeling much stronger and better these days. #CornSnake
Here’s my #cornsnake in her exercise tent (briefly) attempting to be fossorial by burying her head in a flower pot. Never saw her do this before but it was very deliberate. Maybe I should give her a box of dirt…
#cornsnake #snakesaturday #snake
For #SnakeSaturday - here’s my #cornsnake giving you the #snake equivalent of a side-eye.
#snakesaturday #cornsnake #snake
#AngryDad from #TheSimpsons swatting a #BabySnake #CornSnake #Snakelet with a Wooden Paddle so, the Baby Snakelet is Crying to its Mother Snake.
#Snakelet #cornsnake #BabySnake #thesimpsons #AngryDad
Here's my contribution to #SnakeSaturday. I call this photoseries "The #cornsnake and the quail egg".
Though it looks like the #snake is reacting to the #egg, she was likely just yawning. In fact, she didn't seem to care much for it at all. Even after I scented it with a mouse, she still refused to eat it!
#snakesaturday #cornsnake #snake #egg
I set out a bunch of things for the snakes to explore for enrichment. Bucket declined. #CornSnake
This may be a simple shopping bag but I had to get it as I’m sucker for anything #snake related, especially this design with its #cornsnake and #kingsnake print.
I sure hope that Bucket stops needing her food brained soon because it's slightly revolting. Not as bad as when I had to chop them up for Dart, but still. I'd rather not.
She's almost big enough for fuzzies! #snake #CornSnake
Just posted a new #YouTube video all about my #cornsnake !
This update covers some of the successes and failures of target training, a #snake biting itself (but not getting hurt), weight gain, suspicious lumps and a spontaneous vet visit, as well as musings on whether we should prophylactically deworm #snakes.
It even gets a bit biochemical at one point because I love going on unnecessary tangents.
#youtube #cornsnake #snake #snakes