Senate Republicans reject shutdown talk in House #Republicans #Government #Shutdown #Cornyn #Romney #McCarthy #HouseFreedomCaucus #politicaliq #news #politics
#republicans #government #shutdown #cornyn #romney #mccarthy #housefreedomcaucus #politicaliq #News #politics
#Update: Biden calls out Tuberville by name for touting Broadband Funding the Senator voted against #Biden #Bidenomics #Tuberville #Alabama #Broadband #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw #internetaccess #Texas #Cornyn #Senate #politicaliq #news #politics
#update #biden #bidenomics #tuberville #alabama #broadband #bipartisaninfrastructurelaw #internetaccess #texas #cornyn #senate #politicaliq #News #politics
GOP Lawmakers Called out for Touting Broadband Funding They Voted Against #Cornyn #Tuberville #Broadband #Infrastructure #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw #Biden #internetaccess #Texas #Alabama #Senate #politicaliq #news #politics
#cornyn #tuberville #broadband #infrastructure #bipartisaninfrastructurelaw #biden #internetaccess #texas #alabama #senate #politicaliq #News #politics Here are a few of the irresponsible officials who refuse to advocate proper resources for migrants at southern border. #Arizona #Cornyn #Sinema #MTG #Boebert #MarkKelly
#markkelly #Boebert #mtg #sinema #cornyn #Arizona
Why I am even on #Cornyn's email list, I don't know. I don't vote #Republican
And no, I don't want to have them sign the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Rights Act, and thereby force other states to change their laws to suit the backwoods of Texas.
Why is it that when the issue is #abortion the right scream about #StatesRights but when the issue is #Guns they scream about how the states can't make decisions for them?
#guns #StatesRights #abortion #republican #cornyn
#Throwback watch #Senator #KamelaHarris shuts #Cornyn bullshit questions about #Democrats not supporting a bill butt-fucked by #Republican ammendments.
She was a good Senator. She is a good VP. Most importantly she is smart. Smarter and quicker than her detractors.
Watch "A Republican Senator tried to embarrass Kamala Harris on the Senate floor... It backfired HORRIBLY" on YouTube
#republican #democrats #cornyn #kamelaharris #senator #throwback
#Postscriptum En tout cas, 1ère fois qu'un conservateur ultra comme #Cornyn au #Texas remet aussi violemment en cause l'autorité de #Trump. Sur la #COVIDー19. Les mouches seraient-elles déjà en train de changer d'âne (ou plutôt d'éléphant😉 républicain)?
#COVIDー19 #trump #texas #cornyn #postscriptum