Quinn Dombrowski · @quinnanya
2139 followers · 2629 posts · Server mstdn.social

Is there any better news to wake up to than the fact that Norway has digitized All The Books and it's no problem at all to get all their Baby-Sitters Club translations? 🤩

#corpora #DataSittersClub #digitalhumanities

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Piotrowski · @mxp
648 followers · 676 posts · Server mastodon.acm.org

A survey of corpora for Germanic low-resource languages and dialects.

#nlproc #linguistics #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

Joshua McNeill · @joshisanonymous
119 followers · 311 posts · Server h4.io

makes it hard to study in , but some features would be difficult even with very large due to being homophonous with a more frequent feature. One I've come across lately is "I hate it" where the "that" is more common, e.g. in response to seeing a scary clown image.

#zipfslaw #Lexical #variation #language #corpora #demonstrative #linguistics #languagevariation #syntax #Morphology #pronouns

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt L. · @humanitiesData
186 followers · 76 posts · Server fosstodon.org

If you need to wrangle with EEBO-TCP for your text analysis project, consider using the EarlyPrint project corpus. They've done a bunch of preprocessing to transform "the early English print record, from 1473 to the early 1700s, into a linguistically annotated and deeply searchable text archive." Documentation and tutorials are all really thorough. earlyprint.org/about/ humanitiesdata.com/resources/4 -tcp

#culturalanalytics #dh #opendata #corpora #eebo

Last updated 2 years ago

📣 for the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities 2023! Submission deadline: 30 April 2023. More info: 👉uni-mannheim.de/cmc-corpora202 The conference will be held at the University of Mannheim in collaboration with the IDS, from 14–15 September 2023.

#cfp #callforpapers #conference #digitalhumanities #corpuslinguistics #korpuslinguistik #corpora #socialmedia #linguistics #linguistik #idsmannheim

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Huber · @c18ah
284 followers · 173 posts · Server hcommons.social

Have you explored the new corpus builder yet? It allows you to quickly create and share collections of poems, editions, or lists of authors with a single link!


#EighteenthCenturyPoetryArchive #c18th #poetry #18thc #c18dh #ecpa #corpora #readinglists

Last updated 2 years ago

Contributions · @ConHistCon
66 followers · 10 posts · Server mas.to

How to approach large-scale and new basic ? In their article „The Rise of Health”, Anne Kveim Lie, Lars G Johnsen, Helge Jordheim and Espen Ytreberg explore the emergence of new in the post-. As a first case study, the explored concept is ‘health’ which is central to the Norwegian welfare state. The study is done based on from the 1950s onwards. Get your copy now at: bit.ly/choc_17_2

#digitizednewspapers #sattelzeit #keyconcepts #concepts #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

How many copies of Matthias's vacation message do we all get before someone at ELRA figures out how to filter them?

#nlp #corpora #email

Last updated 2 years ago

Berenike Herrmann · @jberenike
216 followers · 24 posts · Server fedihum.org

, ?! Wir suchen w/m/d die @unibielefeld
Studiengang BA Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft mitgestaltet! 🎨
.... befristet auf ein Jahr, 50%, kompatibel o. als Einstieg! jobs.uni-bielefeld.de/job/view

#literaturwissenschaft #digital #digitalitat #dataliteracy #curriculum4_0_nrw #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

Some hard facts from the British National Corpus : of the 44 hits for "oddness", 16 come from the same source, which turns out to be D. A. Cruse's "Lexical Semantics" textbook from 1986. Which makes me wonder, not for the first time, whether it has been a good idea to include linguistic texts in the BNC sampling :)

#metalinguistics #corpora #englishlinguistics #BNC

Last updated 2 years ago

Linguistics - Eurac Research · @EuracLing
17 followers · 114 posts · Server mstdn.social

RT @SketchEngine
30+ French for you. Large corpora: try the multi-billion-word frTenTen or Timestamped corpus. Specialized language: choose these corpora – literature, rap songs, theatre scripts. Parallel: United Nations, OpenSubtitles, …

#corpuslinguistics #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

Joshua McNeill · @joshisanonymous
101 followers · 204 posts · Server h4.io

@stefanowitsch @linguistics for dealing with , for , with for transparency. I use a good amount too when I need to batch process files (e.g., convert a bunch of stereo audio files to mono). Sometimes I like using PowerShell over Python for text normalization over many files just because I've always found the file management syntax in Python clunky (e.g., removing diacritics). Also, let's not forget about scripting for stuff

#python #corpora #r #stats #latex #knitr #powershell #Praat #phonetics

Last updated 2 years ago

Savithry Namboodiripad · @savithry
113 followers · 18 posts · Server mastodon.social

continues with a keynote from Megha Sundara on how phonetic cues support morphological learning in young infants (see pic for baby raptly attending to this highly relevant work). At first, infants exploit homophony to induce suffixes, noting token frequency, and later, bottom up processing interacts with top-down info. And now theyre extending this work to Kannada, but we need a lot more esp. of spoken varieties!

#safal2022 #corpora #acquisition #linguistics

Last updated 2 years ago

Raffaella Bottini · @RaffaellaBottini
67 followers · 37 posts · Server sciences.social

RT @sspina@twitter.com

Non perdete il bellissimo volume appena pubblicato da Irene Fioravanti (@UniStraPg@twitter.com) sulle collocazioni lessicali nelle L2. Tre studi empirici mostrano come sia possibile integrare strumenti della linguistica dei e della psicolinguistica.


🐦🔗: twitter.com/sspina/status/1598


Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Hentschel · @johentsch
9 followers · 3 posts · Server hostux.social

Hi Fediverse,
Currently I'm spending a lot of my time on the computer researching into in order to finish my @ by the end of 2023. My main subject is and I'm trying to measure stylistic differences between tonal languages of the last four centuries through on ().
I'm here to connect with people who are interested in

#introduction #music #corpora #phd #epfl #musictheory #statistics #harmony #stylometry #dh #DataScience #machinelearning #opendata #dataset #foss #privacy #musicianship #funk #techno

Last updated 2 years ago

Ártemis López · @queerterpreter
130 followers · 34 posts · Server lingo.lol

people: an engineer/programmer friend has a project coming up for a class, and they asked if there’s anything they could help with for my diss since they have no good project ideas. They could program something to help with my corpus stuff, turn that in, maybe get an article with me out of it.

Any… any good ideas on what could be generally useful for (ES) ? I can try and come up with something just for me, but it’d be cool if it’s useful for the field at large too.

#corpus #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

_dmh · @_dmh
173 followers · 552 posts · Server mastodon.social

Similarly, you may want a so-called , some structured representation of the information conveyed by a text or a linguistically motivated semantic representation of the text. These annotations are essential for my work in / , and a big struggle for the community is coming up with ways to build for different tasks, domains, genres, or languages which also have the kinds of MRs our systems use.

#meaningrepresentation #naturallanguagegeneration #nlg #corpora

Last updated 2 years ago

_dmh · @_dmh
173 followers · 550 posts · Server mastodon.social

For folks interested in understanding language usage, the lack of information about the underlying the /s means that you can't really say what it tells you about a given language. If a construction is highly (im)probable according to the model, does that statistic hold for the or that you are interested in? Who knows.

#corpora #llm #dialect #genre

Last updated 2 years ago

_dmh · @_dmh
173 followers · 545 posts · Server mastodon.social

Building (plural of ) requires you to think about what the corpus is supposed to represent. Sometimes that seems straightforward (for example, all the collected works of a given author, group, newspaper, etc) and sometimes it seems almost impossible.

Suppose we want to have a dataset which is representative of the English language. What do we mean by "the" English language? Do we want to capture actual varied language use? Or create a static representation of a given standard?

#corpora #corpus

Last updated 2 years ago

Ivan Erill · @ivanerill
1 followers · 1 posts · Server mstdn.science