We learned to stop using their terms — is their term.

We have adopted the language of our admin, . They (CAGEFAM) are all conning us, therefore its a perfect pun, and abstraction that doesn't give them power.

Other hashtags we use at times include , and our backronym for '' .

@humanetech @fsfe

#bigtech #dotcons #netNeutered #cheatingHumanity #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork

Last updated 3 years ago

The things in the last sentence we mentioned were news outlets, so not great ways to be honest.

Australia's seems to put everything through flipping , so we cannot trust them, and we are starting to get weary of CDN, now.

#NationalBroadcaster #akamai #LiteSpeed #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork

Last updated 3 years ago

@drwho @strypey

Sometimes we use web.archive.org/<URL_OF_OFFENDING_PAGE> to view the content.

As an aside, there are few banks left in that are not controlled by and many important websites are Cf too and completely block access to users who value their privacy.

#australia #cloudflare #minorParty #torbrowser #ElectionMeddling #myABC #NotMyABC #akamaiABC #auspol #foreigninterference #russiagate #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #fascism #imperialism #privac

Last updated 3 years ago

Since the demise of NetNeutrality the decay has *really* accelerated.

We proposed an a while back to block the at the network level.

We estimate that if 2% of thinking people did this the dotCons would disentergrate overnight.

#lnternetLaw #technoFascists #cdns #corporateDictatorshipNetwork

Last updated 3 years ago

Erm, how long has the govt website been going through ?

Sweet Jeebus.

Also features Google and CloudFlare trackers… and non-integrity-checked JavaScript. But that's just a 2 minutes appraisal. See for more info.

#nsw #amazon #ubi #fascism2p0 #Cloudfront #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #australia #webdesign #deleteTheClearnet #usei2p #usetor #newInternet #netNeutered #netneutrality

Last updated 3 years ago

(BREAKING) Nazi revealed

Fascist are using the letters 'CDN' — they stand for "Corporate Dictatorship Network".

You may see the lowercase variant, 'cdn', especially while a webpage loads. Look in the corner of your or press Ctrl+Shift+E before loading a page and will store a list for you.

Other markers of :
- cloudflare (cf-ray)
- cloudfront
- amz
- azure
- akamaiGhost

Boosts okay and appreciated.

#symbolism #nazis #browser #torbrowser #fascism #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #selfdefense #cdn

Last updated 3 years ago