‘Come clean’: Labour activists urge MPs to return donations from mystery firm | The Independent

Exclusive: Momentum calls on three senior MPs to hand back money – and demands Keir Starmer commits to anti-sleaze measures


#DonationsToMPs #momentum #labour #starmer #MysteryFirm #AntiSleaze #Cooper #Streeting #jarvis #darkmoney #corporateInterests #Trickett

Last updated 2 years ago

‘Big Agricultural Firms are Plunging the Food System into Crisis’ – Byline Times

Influential agribusiness monopolists and food producers appear to be cynically using the war in Ukraine and the aftermath of the pandemic to exert political influence, writes Thomas Perrett


#capitalism #costofGREEDcrisis #BigAgriculturalFirms #corporateInterests #agribusiness

Last updated 2 years ago

fcv · @fcv
60 followers · 447 posts · Server mstdn.social

@jeffjarvis @spfannenschmidt @Jelaniya @karenattiah I don’t think it’s fair to label them as transactional for questioning the the stance. Most ppl agree provided valuable communication channels + disrupting that will hurt communities. But in the long term rebuilding those communities is possible on , free of . We as a community can work to incrementally make it better.

#powertothepeople #corporateInterests #Mastodon #Twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

@lanodan @DissidentKitty@sunbeam.city
Broadly, we cannot underestimate the amount of going into defending the of various entities, on and the /#newsMedia.

Its mind-boggling but 20 trillion dollars is not accounted for in the since 911, if we think part of that is not controlling then we are kidding ourselves.

We've seen and experienced first hand.

A that values trash (), gets trash - painfully simple.

#funnyMoney #corporateInterests #wikipedia #corporatemedia #usa #information #censorship #society #usd

Last updated 5 years ago