The one type of website missing on the network is a website.

In , the is served by a that is in the business of collecting people's data. They aggressively block people using .

Can I2P come to the rescue?

@i2p @sadiedoreen

#i2p #weather #australia #bom #techGiant #torbrowser #usei2p #bureauofmeteorology #privacy #akamai #corporateState #fascism

Last updated 1 year ago

> "End-to-end encryption () of DMs has been regrettably absent from [instances] for years, and would've at least protected the most private content likely to have been on the Kolektiva server. There have been proposals to enable this, and devs should prioritize it.

Good suggestion, there.

We say I2P support is most essential. No matter where you sit on the political isle. If your ideas are great, the will seek to shut you down, even so they can claim ideas as their own.

#e2ee #corporateState

Last updated 1 year ago

@strypey @nonlinear
Facebook suppress antiwar folk, shadowban mercilessly anyone that speaks effectively against . They allows the indoctrination of 10s of thousands into nazism. They engineer consent, extremism, and sell falsehoods.

There's nothing good about them, included. That is what they are *designed* for. We must replace them, and surveillance systems that claim to solve DDOS by extorting people aka .

#corporateState #xurdsite #protectionracket

Last updated 1 year ago

Yes, 'nurturing' such sustainably-minded folk as opposed to active and constant repression, would be a step in the right direction.

Not sure the would allow genuine culture to grow. Much better to feed people false culture on television, fakebook platforms etc.


Last updated 1 year ago

Apologies for not being online.

Money is a value system, is always relevant, though not a panacea and each town is different.

In terms of allocating value, govt have served interests and drained resources from local and , which helps solve other problems.

We're happy you mention "where people want to live/work". The directs a narrative and value system here, its upsidedown and serves an '' class.

#resources #propertyDevelopers #regenerativeag #corporateState #extractive

Last updated 1 year ago

The best technologies encode the laws into them such that a person need not lobby the unaccountable .

The best examples of this come from the with their motto, "cypherpunks write code". Meaning that they don't lobb, they .

As a result we have incredible technologies that are designed in spite of corporate state overreach, like , monero and .


#corporateState #cypherpunks #code #bitcoin #i2p

Last updated 1 year ago

Things and may struggle with…

It is not controversial to say that we cannot afford 80M . We should be wanted. Likewise, we should not be making bombs with the cynical intent of using them, incl. to reduce and create .

No matter *how* much the of any country demand "more people".

#warhawks #theologians #unwantedBirths #population #refugees #corporateState #rightToChoose #resist #refugeeProducers #usa #israel #uk #germany #france #australia #morepeople #militarism #war #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreWar

Last updated 1 year ago

In economics, is end products achieved per time worked. So it is argued that one can enjoy more time *away* from work by being more "". For example, by having nice FOS applications that help to get things done in less time.

In reality since the onset on neoliberalism circa 1970. All gains in productivity have not translated to less time worked, and instead have gone to more waste.

So we are right to be wary of calls to boost "productivity".

#productivity #productive #corporateState

Last updated 1 year ago

Wikipedia is become a weapon against the people.

They remove artwork based on of artist. We later were tipped of that the person involved in that is racist and homophobic. We have seen mischaracterise pivotal moments we lived through in .

Wikipedia is a and project, of the .

We say don't bother giving it your precious time, Sebastian.

#politics #wikipedia #australia #colonialist #imperialist #corporateState

Last updated 1 year ago


> "if we hadn't been greedy and asked for a living wage"

Erm… $300,000? Sorry but that is not a much.

That's a form of , by money losing criminals to create a neoFeudal .

Really surprised that people on Fedi seem to have no clue how has been actively stealing via inflating the money supply and giving it to their 'mates' at and other .

@feld @fuzzychef @sjvn @oneiros @ariadne

#livingwage #moneylaundering #printingmoney #corporateState #thefeferalreserve #siliconvalley #moneyLosers

Last updated 2 years ago

Unfortunately, is very good at distorting reality when something reflects poorly on the .

"A version of reality" more like it.

For many things it can be fine but depend on it at one's own peril. First hand exp, muliple times. has exposed them, might be deleted from now though, when deleted his 900 episodes of .

#wikipedia #corporateState #LeeCamp #youtube #boogle #RedactedTonight

Last updated 2 years ago

The are of course set to fail, but what is the pivot towards, and what are they taking away from us while blaming "" (and ) they instigated. We assert and are a scam. See their during .

The result: those who support the pivot to a neofeudal are rewarded by the . Those who resist are attacked and refused the cash infusion.

The challenge will be to die with ones soul.

#dotcons #inflation #misallocation #thefed #centralBanks #assetPurchases #covid #corporateState #moneyPrinter

Last updated 2 years ago

And further to this, wanting moderate numbrs of a thing is not necessarily anti-such-thing.

Agree, the ppl of the Mideast are smart and well connected. Part of is why want to destroy/splinter it, as one of their longest running objectives.


Last updated 2 years ago

Savings are not capitalism. Saving your money is almost antithetical to the current system.

Keynesians are anti-saving because goes against their cult of and .

Get with the program… programs being and Monero.

@NunyaBidness get off Cloudflare.

#corporateState #saving #hyperConsumption #extremeWaste #bitcoincore #Keynesians #warOnSavers

Last updated 2 years ago

We agree and have been relentless on economic and env issues but to a point. The west has an that has funded the *worst* of them. Many times it will be impossible to tell who is a sweet talking murderous drone operator or and who isn't.

The last two decades has brought this into sharp focus. Journalists are often murdered, imprisoned etc and compliant muppets put in.


#expansionist #warEconomy #bankster #corporateState

Last updated 2 years ago

Australia, too.

Media-trained actors serving the are allegedly putting reports on that 's population is 1/3 and they are doing it with a straight face.


#corporateState #television #australia #mentallyill

Last updated 2 years ago

Sounds like you need to find ways to educate ppl your local community (including your own family).

It is true that often people don't listen to their friends and family and will prefer the advice of strangers. Its not 100% bad, most of the time those strangers are real genuine ppl, but yes, you are right about the Fascist, Drone .

#corporateState #cult #contemptForTheFamiliar

Last updated 2 years ago

Its winter and are being nightly now it seems by actors, stating widespread could be a thing.

The corpo media are really hamming it up.

It looks like they are trying to incite rage without expressely doing so with phrases like "your electricity" etc. To get the juices flowing.

Wonder how they benefit by making ppl agitated?


#australia #fearMongered #corporateState #blackouts #entitlement #wearASweater

Last updated 2 years ago

You are too kind, thanks.

^^^ (?)

Reminds us of 'The World As It Is' part in 's piece.

#academia #corporateState #fundraising #ChrisHedge

Last updated 2 years ago

Peasant's time is not worth **anything** to .

#corporateState #deathcult #UBINow

Last updated 2 years ago