Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
3065 followers · 9654 posts · Server zirk.us

Well, who'd have predicted that (answer: pretty much everyone):

The look likely not to bring froward promised reforms in the regulation of the sector & associated rules;

apparently there is 'no political will' for reform, despite the shredded reputation of the UK Big Four (and some of the smaller auditors) after a string of scandals, mistakes & wilful deception here & abroad.

Of course, the will be claiming that voluntary measures are better.

#tories #audit #corporategovernance #accountants

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Waber · @bwaber
603 followers · 2201 posts · Server hci.social

Next was an intriguing conversation with **Dirk Jenter** on how to become a CEO at the **Stanford GSB**. The data on who tends to become CEOs in large organizations was particularly interesting, and the discussion was further confirmation for me that CEO comp and corporate governance more broadly is fundamentally broken youtube.com/watch?v=zhK3cdhtf8 (3/6)

#compensation #hr #corporategovernance #esg

Last updated 1 year ago

VCNow · @vcnow
0 followers · 1 posts · Server flipboard.social

A company's health is reflected in its . Mastering the art of as well as analysis, combined with a sound knowledge of , can significantly enhance a 's value and bestow a unique advantage to those who want to assess businesses. Here's a unique learning opportunity from to help you master three crucial aspects of corporate financial health in four months.

Apply Now: iima.vcnow.in/

#financialstatements #financialreporting #corporategovernance #financeprofessional #iimahmedabad

Last updated 1 year ago

Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
21 followers · 133 posts · Server aus.social

The corporate taxation and conflict-of-interest drama
"Because it really showed that this isn't just a couple of 'bad eggs'. This is the culture of the organisation in Australia."


#consulting #tax #corporategovernance #culture

Last updated 1 year ago

Sangeet Kaur · @law_sangeet_kaur
53 followers · 162 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Ellen Bardash · @ellenbardash
192 followers · 121 posts · Server newsie.social

Seeking input from folks on how and compare in terms of D&O liability and whether there's been enough change on the Delaware end recently to cause reorganizations in Nevada. All opinions/theories welcome.

Also, anyone know how to access some sort of list of Nevada corporations or see which have reincorporated there (without paying a fortune through the state's portal)? Is anyone else tracking data on this?


#lawfedi #nevada #delaware #law #corporategovernance #corporatelaw #litigation

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph H. Vilas · @jhv
333 followers · 12358 posts · Server triangletoot.party
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
449 followers · 21866 posts · Server schleuss.online

Sunny upsides of investing in . Has the City come under with an metric for your office being raided and your due diligence staff being kidnapped by the authorities? nitter.hongkongers.net/SamGood

#china #esg #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

markzbarabak · @markzbarabak
299 followers · 181 posts · Server newsie.social

Latinos are the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority — 18.9% of the population; in California, 40%. So why are there so few Latinos in boardrooms? “We remain a blind spot for corporate America.”
LA Times Margot Roosevelt


#diversity #business #Latinos #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

Milo Kei · @milo
81 followers · 190 posts · Server aus.social

research group (named after the zeppelin) has made explosive claims about the financial viability of the conglomerate. For those paying attention, the timing has been alleged as suspicious as seeks a 2nd public offering to raise capital, but most alarming to most I would think, is H'berg's claim that even if you completely ignore all other allegations against the group, take their own word for it. Their own financial disclosures are dramatically over priced and ludicrously leveraged with enormous debt.

This is all pretty damning for the good burgher's who have money sloshing about the place to invest (H'berg declare their own short position on Adani) however I'm primarily interested about that bloody big hole in the ground they have in the Basin they seem to fill with stolen water and the enormous amounts of they want to extract and burn in the middle of a

Whither our public services to cope with the collapse of this giant, however welcome that may seem from the outside. Whither our corporate regulators trying to keep up with such eye-popping corporate chutzpah. Just another day in the mega-mining extraction industry.


#hindenburg #adani #galilee #coal #climatecrisis #keepitintheground #corporategovernance #ipo #climatechange

Last updated 2 years ago

RonaldTooTall · @TooTall
155 followers · 420 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance has a new paper:

How Twitter Pushed Stakeholders Under The Bus


#twitter #ElonMusk #HarvardLaw #corporategovernance #business

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlie McHenry · @DonCarlitos
146 followers · 335 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Blizzard fires WoW Classic lead developer after he protests (ridiculous) employee evaluation policy - Take a principled stand, get your ass fired. This is some rank BS. This guy was their top developer on a significant title. Corporate myopia at its best. pcgamer.com/blizzard-fires-wow

#wowclassic #wow #blizzard #gaming #gamingnews #gamingcommunity #videogames #HumanRelations #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Sheerin · @jims
133 followers · 487 posts · Server mastodon.world

I’m a lifelong Leeds United supporter but until recently I’ve always respected how Everton went about their business. A club of that size appointing a complete novice manager is just stupid. A bigger question iwho owns the club, with The Guardian raising questions that the owner could be a sanctioned oligarch. Zero .

#LUFC #EvertonFC #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

> multinational
> makes chemical products popular with , and that are likely to come into contact with skin
> does not include whether or non-toxic on products
> has no on website
> signals virtues on website.

We silently add to list.

#children #toxic #msds #multinational #deathcult #toxicity #virtueSignalling #eu #australia #usa #negligence #transparency #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

> multinational
> makes chemical products popular with , and that are likely to come into contact with skin
> does not infer or non-toxic on products
> has no on website
> signals virtues on website.

Silently adds company to list.

#children #toxic #msds #deathcult #toxicity #virtueSignalling #eu #australia #usa #multinational #negligence #transparency #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Sheerin · @jims
128 followers · 461 posts · Server mastodon.world

The Ford Pinto is another example of failure. Prior to launch of the pinto in the early ‘70’s Ford’s engineers realised that the location of the fuel tank made the car susceptible to bursting into flames if struck from the rear. The fix was cheap but would have meant delaying the launch. Ford calculated that it would be cheaper to settle potential lawsuits with the public than repair the problem. It’s estimated that 500 people died because of this decision.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Sheerin · @jims
128 followers · 461 posts · Server mastodon.world

Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s. isn’t the most exciting topic but good Corporate Governance is so important. Here is an example of individuals being party to a decision that will negatively affect their own offspring, not to mention the planet. Shame on Exxon who knew the science but briefed against it. theguardian.com/business/2023/


Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Johnson · @dcjohnson
2195 followers · 1080 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Southwest Airlines is one more demonstration of our government's absolute abdication of overseeing corporate governance.

Why did the Board of this airline allow management to put off modernizing their essential IT systems for purposes of quarterly profit (and executive bonuses)?

Our government is supposed to be overseeing this. This Board should be held accountable.

(Tesla, too.)

EVERYTHING we see as "corporations doing bad things" comes down to this.

#corporategovernance #southwest

Last updated 2 years ago

Kitty Jong · @kittyjong
272 followers · 42 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ook dit doen we al . We zijn schragende partij van de monitorcommissie . Die de besturingscode maakt voor beursgenoteerde bedrijven. Die is bindend, en daarom (😳) komen aanscherpingen maar met moeite tot stand. Want stel je voor dat werkgevers hun visie moeten waarmaken. Maar goed: er is een aanscherping en dat is winst.

#fnv #corporategovernance

Last updated 2 years ago