I'm still on #Instagram 🤔
Now they try to kick me out. Without any reason they suspended my account.
To prove that I am me, I have to:
- enter my mobile number
- receive a code
- write that code down on a blank piece of paper
- hold that paper up next to my face
- take a selfie (sweet: they give recommandations how to make a selfie)
- upload this #mugshot
- wait patiently until they check my #identity and let me in again.
I'm partially #disabled, this procedure is a #PainInTheAss and absolutely annoying.
The #fediverse is no viable #alternative to the #suckerberg #metaverse yet, because I have quite a lot of contacts I'd loose. (I'm a #photographer ).So I nedd to run a #ParallelAccount. Looking forward to leave this #CorporateHellhole.
#corporatehellhole #parallelaccount #photographer #metaverse #suckerberg #alternative #fediverse #painintheass #disabled #identity #Mugshot #instagram