Started a new job this week, part-time tutoring/teaching HS students who cannot attend school for any reason.
The school-provided Acer laptop is a cluster of MS past, present, and future. The tech dude couldn't even get Outlook to load, so I'm stuck w/ web access to my email.
Been a public school teacher on and off since 1992, certified in three states, surfing the Internet in School wave since 2002. Only the first of four schools I worked had a teacher deciding what software to subject his fellow teachers to.
MS continues to make bank on unsuspecting school districts.
This delightful (not a word I throw around) thread demonstrates the company's products' craven awareness of its own enshittification.
#Enshittification #WolfAtTheSchoolhouseDoor
#PublicSchools #CorporateGreed #CorporateIncompetence
#enshittification #wolfattheschoolhousedoor #publicschools #corporategreed #corporateincompetence #aitruthtelling #ai #educhat
So, spent most of the day clearing snow with a forklift. Keep in mind that I work for a place that builds tractors and live in a place where it snows every winter. Been asking for a tractor for years. Nope.
Of course the union side has a tractor. Not really suitable for everything we need to do there, since it lacks a 3 point hitch. but plenty good enough for clearing snow.
Only the tractor boy is allowed to use it though. He mostly doesn't.