'Renters Are Struggling': Economists Back Tenant-Led Push for Federal Rent Control | "We have seen corporate landlords—who own a larger share of the rental market than ever before—use inflation as an excuse to hike rents and reap excess profits beyond what should be considered fair and reasonable."
#RentersStruggle #TenantLedPush #FederalRentControl #CorporateLandlords #InflationExcuse #FairAndReasonable #Politics #News
#rentersstruggle #tenantledpush #federalrentcontrol #corporatelandlords #inflationexcuse #fairandreasonable #politics #news
OnlineFirst - "Unpacking corporate ownership in property markets: A typology of investors and the making of an investment value chain in Brazil" by Daniel Sanfelici and Maira Magnani:
#financialization #corporatelandlords #commercialpropertymarkets
#financialization #corporatelandlords #commercialpropertymarkets #marketbehavior #investmentvaluechain