Generative KI in Learning und Development: Ein Gespräch mit Gerd Stumm
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In dieser Podcast-Episode erforschen wir die generative KI im Bereich Learning & Development mit unserem Gast, Gerd Stumm - Innovation Lead bei SAP Services Learning. #ki #corporatelearning #künstlicheintelligenz
#ki #corporatelearning #kunstlicheintelligenz
Corporate Learning Practice Camp gestern in Berlin. Schön war‘s..
#clpc23 #corporatelearning
🙌Jetzt geht los mit dem #CLPC23 Vorstellungsrunde und den Pitches. Ich freu mich riesig mit euch gemeinsam zu lernen und auszutauschen. #CL2030 #CorporateLearning
#clpc23 #cl2030 #corporatelearning
Morgen um die Mittagszeit fahre ich nach Berlin zum Corporate Learning Practice Camp, das am 31.08. startet. Nachmittags treffe ich mich mit @wiwet und Kristin für letzte Vorbereitungen.
Das wird so MEEEGA! Ich freu ma... 🤩
Es gibt noch ein paar Tickets:
#Agility #CorporateLearning #GemeinsamErfolgreich #prodppl
👉 Vor kurzem hatte ich die große Freude mit Boeffi , einem sehr erfahrenen agilen "Projektretter" ausführlich zu sprechen.
👉 Boeffi´s Lebensmotto "gemeinsam erfolgreich" lebt er in dem Prinzip "agile as a lifestyle" authentisch aus: er bringt viele Menschen zusammen, gemeinsam erfolgreich zu #lernen. Dabei sind die #Lernformate genau so vielfältig, wie die Perspektiven der Menschen. #Perspektivenvielfalt
#agility #corporatelearning #gemeinsamerfolgreich #prodppl #lernen #lernformate #perspektivenvielfalt
Zum Corporate Learning Practice Camp am 31.08. und 01.09.2023 in Berlin sind inzwischen 12 Teaser zu spannenden Practice-Sessions in unserem youtube-Kanal veröffentlicht.
Schau mal rein:
Alles andere zum Camp findest du hier:
P.S.: Es gibt noch Tickets - meld dich schnell an, denn das Camp wird richtig super.
#clpc23 #corporatelearning #cl2030
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #windowfriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#fiftyyearsofhiphop #coworkingasong #WindowFriday #elearningportal #elearningwebsites #distancelearning #corporatelearning #learningmanagementsystem #elearning #education #learning #elearningsolution #teacher #edtech #lms
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #windowfriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#fiftyyearsofhiphop #coworkingasong #WindowFriday #elearningportal #elearningwebsites #distancelearning #corporatelearning #learningmanagementsystem #elearning #education #learning #elearningsolution #teacher #edtech #lms
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#LMS #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#fiftyyearsofhiphop #coworkingasong #windowfriday #elearningportal #elearningwebsites #distancelearning #corporatelearning #learningmanagementsystem #elearning #education #learning #elearningsolution #teacher #edtech #lms
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
#lms #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
#LMS #edtech #teacher #elearningsolution #learning #education #elearning #learningmanagementsystem #corporatelearning #distancelearning #elearningwebsites #elearningportal #WindowFriday #coworkingasong #fiftyyearsofhiphop
LMS Monks is a state-of-the-art LMS software that brings a revolution to online education. Designed to cater to the ever-evolving world of e-learning, LMS Monks is the go-to solution for creating and selling online courses.
For more visit 👉
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Neuer Podcast: Re- und Upskilling mit Capability Akademien mit Jan Veira
🎧 openSAP
🎧 Apple
🎧 Spotify
Wir schauen 👀 u.a. auf die sog. Capability Academy, die für das Upskilling einen organisatorischen Rahmen bilden kann und als Konzept durch Josh Bersin populär wurde. Mehr wie immer im #EducationNewsCast #Podcast #upskilling #reskilling #weiterbildung #akademie #corporatelearning
#educationnewscast #podcast #upskilling #reskilling #weiterbildung #akademie #corporatelearning
#loscon23 a best-of hybride Konferenz … digitale Kanäle #Teams #Discord #Mastodon kombiniert mit Präsenz in #Nürnberg funktioniert großartig für 184+ #CorporateLearning Enthusiasten .. danke @simondueckert @ewingo13 & Team
#loscon23 #teams #discord #Mastodon #nurnberg #corporatelearning
Das olympische Feuer 🔥 des Lernens wurde auf der #Loscon23 durch @simondueckert angezündet. Am 11.07.2023 wurde die neue Disziplin vom olympische @lernos Komitee aufgenommen!
#loscon23 #community #corporatelearning
Das olympische Feuer 🔥 des Lernens wurde auf der #Loscon23 durch @simondueckert angezündet. Am 11.07.2023 wurde die neue Disziplin vom olympische @lernos Komitee aufgenommen!
#loscon23 #community #corporatelearning