I'm here on this platform looking for #discussion on topics of vital interest to us and all our relations. Not boosts, not favorites. Discussion, words in a row, talk and talk back.
We have a budget of 10,000 characters on this instance. Let's use them for meaningful, meaty back & forth, to an fro, in and out, over and above #talk, #ideas, #ideals, #options, #propositions. We have two eyes and ten fingers. Let's put them to work coming up with #solutions to pressing #problems in the #bioregions we share with all other #life.
#bioregionalism #environmentalism #PopulationGrowth #degrowth #EconomicGrowth #government #localism #democracy #anarchism #populism #fascism #authoritarianism #antiauthoritarianism #CorporateOligarchy #RepresentativeRepublic #biodiveristy #habitat #Wildlife #species #extinction #evolution #ecology #DeepEcology
#discussion #talk #ideas #ideals #options #propositions #solutions #problems #bioregions #life #bioregionalism #environmentalism #populationGrowth #degrowth #economicgrowth #government #localism #democracy #anarchism #populism #fascism #authoritarianism #antiauthoritarianism #corporateoligarchy #representativerepublic #biodiveristy #habitat #wildlife #species #extinction #evolution #ecology #deepecology
Liberals, conservative, birds of every stripe
#capitalism #corporateoligarchy #democracy #noncooperation