What if a #bilionaire launched a #SocialMedia company and no one signed up?
It's the same reason people keep signing up to go to war.
A person's value is whatever private information they've relinquished to our #CorporateOverlords.
And now, corporations are waging domestic war over who has authority over the the personal info of the plebeians who thoughtlessly clicked "I agree" to conflicting #TermsOfService.
And the representatives of #WeThePeople will sell us all out.
#wethepeople #termsofservice #corporateoverlords #socialmedia #bilionaire
Thank you #CorporateOverlords...
I'm supposed to give a demo of my code tomorrow, but the meeting room has no cables to connect to the screen. There's only a usb-connected screenscast device, which does not support Linux... I have literally no way of doing my presentation now, other than buying a Windows license and reinstalling my computer...
Braves stop celebrating homers with big hat after complaint https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/36304568/mlb-tells-braves-stop-celebrating-home-runs-big-hat #corporateoverlords #valueforvalue @adam
#corporateoverlords #valueforvalue
WTF? Talk about corporate & judicial #overreach ...
DNS resolvers being forced through #judicialabuse to block domain names and not resolve them because our #corporateoverlords get their knickers in a twist.
This sets a dangerous precedent towards corporate #censorship. Say bye to the little #netneutrality that's left.
#quad9 #sonymusic #dns #ContentBlocking
Please spread the news somehow.. don't care if you favourite or boost. Any way you spread the news is fine.
#overreach #judicialabuse #corporateoverlords #censorship #netneutrality #quad9 #sonymusic #dns #contentblocking
Starbucks FLAGRANTLY Flouting Labor Laws, Worker Who Sparked Union Drive FIRED
Starbucks fires worker who sparked national union drive. Ana Kasparian and Francesca Fiorentini discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
#CorporateOverlords #BernieSanders #Starbucks #Unions #UnionBusting #Unionization #TYT #TheYoungTurks #TYTNetwork
#corporateoverlords #berniesanders #starbucks #unions #unionbusting #unionization #tyt #theyoungturks #tytnetwork
Mining giant apologizes for losing radioactive capsule in Australia - This is the template. Do harm, say you’re sorry & move on. I expect #corporateoverlords to use this ruse until the end. Expect CEO’s to be apologizing soon for planetary destruction & species #extinction. “We’re sorry we’ve destroyed the Earth with pollution & ruined the lives of billions, now… can we move on? What we need are Nuremberg style trials to hold them accountable. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64448879
#corporateoverlords #extinction
My #CorporateOverlords think I need to be in the office to "collaborate" and by "collaborate," they mean, instant message, email and call people. 🤦🏿♂️
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
#ReturnToOffice #CorporateAmerica #Capitalism
#Capitalism #corporateamerica #ReturnToOffice #corporateoverlords
Corporations are the Enemy of the People and unfortunately control every single facet of our lives. 98% of Politicians are simply mercenaries of the Enemy-the corporate Evil Empire. #populism #leftism #wednesdaywisdom #wednesday #capitalism #americanempire #CorporateOverlords
#corporateoverlords #americanempire #Capitalism #wednesday #wednesdaywisdom #leftism #populism
Could this be true? I don't know what the source is but it sure seems awful.
Claims that the EU courts have made a verdict that could prevent the public from investigating who the true owner behind a corporation is.
#eu #europe #corrupt #corporateoverlords #government #opacity
#eu #europe #corrupt #corporateoverlords #government #opacity
It should be illegal for corporate overlords to spam employee inboxes with gratitude messages.
Just slink off to your yacht, Jim. No one needs your condescending thanksgiving platitudes.
#corporateoverlords #lifeincorporate #cubiclenation
Possible freedom from our #corporateoverlords ?
#corporateoverlords #twittermigration
@GreenFire I consider anyone who is practiced at spreading #misinformation for #CultLeaders or #CorporateOverlords to be deserving of the idiot distinction, and worse.
#corporateoverlords #cultleaders #misinformation