those least responsible will bear the breatest costs. Harrison Ford at the Global Climate Action Summit
#climate #climateaction #corporatesocialism #classwarfare #subsidizepolluters #climateinaction #bribery #corruption #climatedisplacement #humanitariancrisis #climatecrisis #ecofascism
#climate #climateaction #corporatesocialism #classwarfare #subsidizepolluters #climateinaction #bribery #corruption #climatedisplacement #humanitariancrisis #ClimateCrisis #ecofascism
Biden administration announces $650 million to plug orphaned gas and oil wells
The Interior Department announced Monday more than $650 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to plug abandoned oil and gas wells. The $660 million in funding, available to 27 states, will go toward the plugging of so-called orphan wells, or wells abandoned for extraction by the oil and gas industry.
#bigoil #fracking #polluters #taxpayer #corporatesocialism #climate
#bigoil #fracking #polluters #taxpayer #corporatesocialism #climate
"The affirmative action enjoyed by the kids of parents whose names are on the Ivy buildings is the only #AffirmativeAction these compromised justices recognize." -#JoyReid/journalist-political commentator/Harvard grad on Chris Hayes #SCOTUS #Corruption
Same as #CorporateSocialism
Skip to the 9min mark here:
#corporatesocialism #Corruption #SCOTUS #joyreid #affirmativeaction
#RegulatoryCapture: The #coal industry has had such a #grip on the #legislature and the governorship, and the #culture, it’s really held back policies that would have supported #renewables.
Despite increasing #unemployment: Coal the dirtiest of #fossilfuels has been on the decline for decades and in a death spiral the last decade,
Due to #CorporateSocialism: largely because of an inability to compete with the low prices of #renewable sources of electricity.
#regulatorycapture #coal #grip #Legislature #culture #renewables #unemployment #fossilfuels #corporatesocialism #renewable
Exploring the cosmos is valuable- it can increase our understanding of the physical universe.
Sending people to the moon however, is #CorporateWelfare that advances the commercialization and #MilitarizationOfSpace!
Selecting minority astronauts is a joint government/ corporate marketing strategy to sell this #CorporateSocialism to liberals.
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.
We the people, will not experience life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of nature and our lives from capital.
#nasa #spaceexploration #corporatewelfare #militarizationofspace #corporatesocialism #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #degrowth
Corporate socialism.
‘Creatief idee’ van Shell voor gasopslag goed voor miljardenwinst, op kosten van de staat - Follow the Money - Platform voor onderzoeksjournalistiek
#SVB #corporatesocialism #corporatesocialresponsibility #taxes #government #taxpayersmoney #BankingDeregulation #KatiePorter #Elizabethwarrendecentralizedfinance #berniesanders #trump #MnuchinCorruption #bitcoin
#svb #corporatesocialism #corporatesocialresponsibility #taxes #government #taxpayersmoney #bankingderegulation #katieporter #Elizabethwarrendecentralizedfinance #berniesanders #trump #mnuchincorruption #bitcoin
Het ene bedrijf gaat in een lage-lonenland zitten, het andere bedrijf in een lage-bedrijfsbelastingland. #corporatesocialism
'Wat er gebeurt als Hollandse grond ten prooi valt aan goedkope Amerikaanse dromen'
Dat is het al sinds we in de 90s het Rijnlandmodel overboord kieperden en we belastingdruk van vermogen en kapitaal (ondernemingen en rijke lui) naar arbeid (gewone mensen) verlegden en de neoliberalisering steeds verder ging.
''Deze week werd weer eens duidelijk dat de winsten voor de bedrijven zijn en de kosten voor de samenleving."
Miljardenwinsten zetten multinationals onder druk: ‘Als je zulke winsten kunt maken, zouden de prijzen aan de kassa ook wel wat minder kunnen stijgen’
#bedrijfssocialisme #corporatesocialism
Winst voor het grootkapitaal, verlies voor de samenleving.
"Dit is de realiteit: we worden genaaid waar we bijstaan. [...] 'We moeten beseffen dat we collectief een stukje armer zullen worden', zei onze minister van Financiën, Sigrid Kaag. Onzin, natuurlijk. We werden helemaal niet 'collectief' armer. Veel burgers, de kwetsbaarsten het eerst en het hardst, werden armer. Multinationals en aandeelhouders werden heel veel rijker."
'Veel burgers – de kwetsbaarsten voorop – werden armer, maar multinationals en aandeelhouders werden heel veel rijker'
#corporatesocialism #bedrijfssocialisme
Millionaires and billionaires don’t live where their employees do. But they have an irrational fear that one day their employees (or their grandkids) will.
Think of the 1% as The Sacred 28. The faces of the wealthy don’t change, and one day when they run out of other white rich people to marry, they’ll start inbreeding. How did that fare for the Gaunt and Black families? #corporatesocialism #reaganomics #wealthinequality #cult45 #fascism
#corporatesocialism #Reaganomics #wealthinequality #cult45 #fascism
Irrtum zu glauben, dass #ElonMusk ein Einzelfall darstellt. Hinter seinen Anstrengungen versteckt sich ein so gefährlicher, wie internationaler Trend: #corporatesocialism. Der Sozialismus der Konzerne und Bosse auf Kosten des Staates ohne Gegenleistung.
Even if all *potential* 6M eligible people took up the social packages, that'd still bring in revenue of £90M!
If the organisation is that inefficient that it projects losses of that magnitude then maybe it needs to fail. Or is it asking for #corporatesocialism?
BT asks ministers to help pay for low-cost broadband for poorest customers | Telecommunications industry | The Guardian
Es braucht mehr Märkte & Preise, nicht weniger, aber besser reguliert & weniger Macht verzerrt.
#corporatesocialism #zivilgesellschaft #zeitfuerneues
It’s been estimated if RStar grants $20 billion in industry credits, Alberta taxpayers could forego $5 billion in royalty revenue.
Because it wouldn't be an Albertan govt if they were not handing corporations other people's money
#abpoli #abgov #sadopopulism #quithittingyourselfalberta #flatearthpremier #corporatesocialism
Just gonna leave this here for posterity sake:
#BernieIsTheFrontRunner and we're not going to stand for #DNCRigging with #Superdelegates that work for #CorporateSocialism #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #superdelegates #dncrigging #BernieIsTheFrontRunner
RT This is how the deck gets stacked against #AllOfUs.
Lobbyists and CEOs write the laws, get appointed to Gov't positions, infiltrate to get their policies & laws passed. Democracy dies.
They're ALL #OwnedTogether #CorporateSocialism #CorporateWelfare #RevolvingDoor
#weseeyou #revolvingdoor #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #ownedtogether #allofus
RT Why and how could Corporations do that?
Let's see who's #OwnedTogether #FollowTheMoney #RevolvingDoor #WeSeeYou #CorporateSocialism #CorporateGovernance #CorporateGreed #CorporateWelfare
#ITrustBernie #TruthExposed #BernieOrBust #BernieWorksForUS #OnlyBernieBeatsTrump
#onlyberniebeatstrump #BernieWorksForUS #bernieorbust #TruthExposed #itrustbernie #corporatewelfare #corporategreed #corporategovernance #corporatesocialism #weseeyou #revolvingdoor #followthemoney #ownedtogether
RT How DID a Corporation like #Walmart infiltrate our Gov't. so they could buy politicians, write the laws and pass them? #RevolvingDoor #CorporateSocialism #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #revolvingdoor #walmart