#workers keep the world going, not #CEOs.
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #Corporatism #NoMoreCEOs #workersrights #livingwage #RaiseTheWage #unionize #unionizeworkers #unions
#workers #CEOs #capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #corporatism #nomoreceos #workersrights #LivingWage #raisethewage #unionize #unionizeworkers #unions
'Why didn't I like Barbie more?'
#Barbie #BarbieMovie #Mattel #WarnerBros #Marketing #FauxWoke #FakeWoke #Corporatism #Criticism #Review #CouncilOfGeeks
#barbie #barbiemovie #mattel #warnerbros #marketing #fauxwoke #fakewoke #corporatism #criticism #review #councilofgeeks
Modern #socialism is our goal, not what #china or the #ussr made infamous.
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #Corporatism #anticapitalism #moneylesssociety #nomoremoney #exploitation #workersrights #economy #climatechange #banfossilfuels #oilcompanies
#socialism #China #ussr #capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #corporatism #anticapitalism #moneylesssociety #nomoremoney #exploitation #workersrights #economy #climatechange #banfossilfuels #oilcompanies
#ForestProtectors Arrested at #FairyCreek
By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, August 16, 2023
"Three forest protectors were arrested on Tuesday protecting the old-growth forests west of Victoria, as Canada continues to target #NativePeople with police operatives protecting the interest of destructive industries. The police ops are #BritishColumbia's C-IRG, the Community #Industry Response Group.
"Mourning the invasion of the #MilitarizedPolice squad who arrested the #ForestDefenders, who were his guests, #Pacheedaht #FirstNation Elder Bill Jones said, 'We are at the end times of our great forests.'
"Abolish C-IRG said, 'Due to the increasing amount of #indigenous-led anti-resource extraction movements in British Columbia, the Community-Industry Response Group was born. C-IRG is unique to British Columbia. They are militarized, have no budget limit, and the officers get paid handsomely to force #pipelines, #mines, #dams, and #logging through unceded #IndigenousTerritories, without consent. This is just another extension of the #RCMP’s original task- to remove and separate people from the land and enforce #ColonialRule. They do not keep us safe, they protect #capital."
Background: Back to Fairy Creek
"The last time the world was watching Fairy Creek, we witnessed the largest act of #CivilDisobedience in #CanadianHistory. Well over 1,000 Indigenous and non-Indigenous forest defenders were arrested by the RCMP over months of tense standoffs in 2021 as #activists sought to halt the logging of rare #AncientTrees.
"The courts hammered that movement, with charges and bail conditions keeping many away, and the tussle in the trees went dormant for most of the last two years.
"Until now.
"A new blockade, led by #IndigenousYouth and supported by non-Indigenous allies, has just been erected on a key bridge crossing an arterial logging road. The RCMP's specialized tactical team that responds to land defence actions is present and surveilling the camp. A raid could come any day, and having #media on the ground is of crucial importance to keep tabs on police and document the latest developments as land defenders seek to protect their unceded territories from old-growth logging."
Full article and more information:
#VancouverIsland #ACAB #ProtectTheForests #CIRG #Colonialism #Capitalism #Corporatism #Oligarchy
#forestprotectors #FairyCreek #nativepeople #britishcolumbia #industry #militarizedPolice #forestdefenders #Pacheedaht #firstnation #indigenous #Pipelines #mines #dams #logging #indigenousterritories #rcmp #ColonialRule #capital #civildisobedience #canadianhistory #activists #AncientTrees #indigenousyouth #media #vancouverisland #acab #protecttheforests #cirg #colonialism #capitalism #corporatism #oligarchy
Hmmmm... So, like when a country is selected to host #OlympicGames, they seem to come up with TONS OF MONEY to pay for Olympic #Infrastructure, and yet there's NO MONEY when #ClimateChange could be mitigated by IMMEDIATELY FUNDING 100% #Tidal, #SolarPower, #WindPower, etc., with the technology and resources we have on hand?!!! SOUNDS LIKE CAPITALIST BULLSHIT TO ME!
#olympicgames #infrastructure #ClimateChange #tidal #solarpower #windpower #greenwashing #corporatism #oligarchy #capitalism
#Russia profiting off #US reliance on #nuclear fuel
Aug 11, 2023
"Russia sold about $1.7 billion in nuclear products to firms in the U.S. and #Europe, according to trade data and experts. The purchases occurred as the West has leveled stiff sanctions on Moscow over its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, blocking imports of such Russian staples as oil, gas, vodka and caviar.
"The West has been reluctant to target Russia’s nuclear exports, however, because they play key roles in keeping reactors humming. Russia supplied the U.S. nuclear industry with about 12% of its #uranium last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Europe reported getting about 17% of its uranium in 2022 from Russia.
"Reliance on nuclear power is expected to grow as nations embrace alternatives to fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants produce no emissions, though experts warn that nuclear energy comes with the risk of reactor meltdowns and the challenge of how to safely store #radioactive #waste. There are about 60 reactors under construction around the world — 300 more are in the planning stages."
#NuclearPlants #Environment #WaterIsLife #Corruption #Corporatism #Lies
#russia #us #nuclear #europe #uranium #radioactive #waste #nuclearplants #environment #waterislife #corruption #corporatism #lies
#Japan will soon release #Fukushima #radioactive water into the #ocean. How worried should we be?
Some have cast doubt on the #IAEA’s findings, with China recently arguing that the group’s assessment “is not proof of the legality and legitimacy” of Fukushima’s wastewater release.
By Jessie Yeung, Mayumi Maruyama and Emiko Jozuka, July 5, 2023
"Robert H. Richmond, director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory at the University of #Hawaii at Manoa, is among a group of international scientists working with the #PacificIslandForum to assess the wastewater release plan – including visits to the Fukushima site, and meetings with TEPCO, Japanese authorities and the IAEA. After reviewing the details of the plan, Richmond called it 'ill-advised' and premature.
"One concern is that diluting the wastewater might not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life. #Pollutants like tritium can pass through various levels of the #FoodChain – including plants, animals, and bacteria – and be '#bioaccumulated,' meaning they will build up in the marine #ecosystem, he said.
"He added that the world’s oceans are already under stress from #ClimateChange, ocean #acidification, #overfishing and #pollution. The last thing it needs is to be treated like a 'dumping ground,' he said.
"And the potential risks won’t just affect the #AsiaPacific region. One 2012 study found evidence that bluefin #tuna had transported #radionuclides – radioactive isotopes like the ones in #nuclear #wastewater – from Fukushima across the Pacific to California."
#NoDumping #FukushimaWater #TEPCOLies #PacificOcean #WaterIsLife #Corporatism #Corruption #JapanGovernment
#japan #fukushima #radioactive #ocean #iaea #hawaii #pacificislandforum #pollutants #foodchain #bioaccumulated #ecosystem #ClimateChange #acidification #overfishing #pollution #AsiaPacific #tuna #radionuclides #nuclear #WasteWater #nodumping #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #pacificocean #waterislife #corporatism #corruption #japangovernment
#Fiji PM’s stance on #Fukushima waste discharge worrisome
by Shania Shayal Prasad, August 8, 2023
"Civil society organizations are urging Prime Minister #SitiveniRabuka to reevaluate his position regarding #Japan’s intentions to dispose of the #FukushimaDaiichi #Nuclear Plant’s waste into the #PacificOcean.
"Rabuka recently expressed contentment with the International Atomic Energy Agency’s report, which appeared to allay worries about potential harm to the #ocean #environment.
"#Climate activist and Pacific Conference of Churches general secretary Reverend #JamesBhagwan says that they been voicing apprehensions about this matter for several years.
"#ReverendBhagwan claims that this situation coincides with Japan’s increased development assistance to the region. Bhagwan asserts that the credibility of the #IAEA report is being contested.
"These organizations are appealing to the government to reconsider its stance and take a firmer position in advocating for the implementation of secure and sustainable solutions for handling Fukushima’s nuclear waste water."
Source and audio snips: https://www.fbcnews.com.fj/news/pms-stance-on-fukushima-waste-discharge-worrisome/
#NoDumping #FukushimaWater #TEPCOLies #PacificOcean #WaterIsLife #Corporatism #Corruption #JapanGovernment #IAEALies #IAEAFail #TEPCO
#fiji #fukushima #sitivenirabuka #japan #FukushimaDaiIchi #nuclear #pacificocean #ocean #environment #climate #jamesbhagwan #reverendbhagwan #iaea #nodumping #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #waterislife #corporatism #corruption #japangovernment #iaealies #iaeafail #tepco
#Japan’s lack of transparency on #Fukushima water is sparking fear in neighbors, says Japanese expert
Naoya Sekiya said the Japanese government has been more concerned with international organizations than with persuading neighboring countries
By Kim So-youn, Tokyo correspondent, July 24, 2023
"The reason #SouthKorea, #China, and other countries are concerned about the safety of Japan’s imminent release of contaminated water currently being stored at the #FukushimaDaiichi #nuclear plant into the ocean is the result of Tokyo’s failure to provide adequate information, an expert claimed in a recent interview.
"Naoya Sekiya, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, said in an interview published Friday by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper that the 'anxieties of people in South Korea, China, and other neighboring countries have not been resolved' in connection with the water’s release.
"He also said a 'big factor in this issue' was 'the Japanese government not providing adequate information.'"
Full article:
#NoDumping #FukushimaWater #TEPCOLies #PacificOcean #WaterIsLife #Corporatism #Corruption #JapanGovernment
#japan #fukushima #southkorea #china #FukushimaDaiIchi #nuclear #nodumping #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #pacificocean #waterislife #corporatism #corruption #japangovernment
#GreenParty Statement on #Fukushima
August 3, 2023
"The Green Party of the United States (#GPUS) and the Green Party of Hawai’i stand in solidarity with our fellow #Greens in #Japan and #SouthKorea when calling for the end of the near-shore release of 1.33 million tons of contaminated water from the #FukushimaDaiichi #nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The Green Party of the United States and the Green Party of Hawai’i urges the Government of #Japan to respect existing international treaties that ban the releasing of nuclear waste into the oceans. We also join the Green Party Korea and the Greens Japan in calling for the cancellation of ocean releasing plans. For this, we call for a public review of methods of on-land storage such as 'large tank storage' and 'mortar solidification treatment'.
"Up to this point, independent review has not been allowed. We demand a public, independent review and the citizens of the Asia-Pacific have a right to know about the safety of such release.
"Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has long concerned themselves with #profit. TEPCO is one of many #corporations that internalizes profits and externalizes their losses. We call shame upon TEPCO for their unwillingness to listen to the general public in #EastAsia and take their concerns seriously.
"Kim Yeon-cheol, executive chairman of the National Federation of Fishermen's Associations in South Korea said, 'In South Korea, people who feel uneasy about releasing marine products into the sea are already refraining from consuming seafood. We should not catch and provide seafood until it has been verified that it is completely safe.'
"The majority of the public in South Korea and Japan does not trust the International Atomic Energy Association (#IAEA)’s report finding the release of #contaminated water safe. This report has not even completed sample analysis of contaminated water. We encourage the IAEA to build that trust network with the Nation Federation of Fishermen’s Associations of South Korea and the Fishermen’s Union of Fukushima Japan and listen to their concerns about livelihood.
"The Green Party of the United States urges TEPCO and IAEA to gain the trust of the public. Currently, TEPCO and IAEA’s incentives lie in keeping profits and protecting the leadership of the right-wing, nationalist Japanese government instead of the concerns of the average Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or Taiwanese citizen. Let’s create an East Asia and a world where the average person can live free of the worry about food safety."
#Hawaii #HawaiiGreens #NoDumping #FukushimaWater #TEPCOLies #PacificOcean #WaterIsLife #Corporatism #Corruption #JapanGovernment
Full article and FMI:
#greenparty #fukushima #gpus #greens #japan #southkorea #FukushimaDaiIchi #nuclear #profit #corporations #eastasia #iaea #contaminated #hawaii #hawaiigreens #nodumping #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #pacificocean #waterislife #corporatism #corruption #japangovernment
#Smartphones could have been such an excellent piece of #Tech instead of #Surveillance #Corporatism devices.
But here are a couple of #DIY #RaspberryPi alternatives which can provide a custom degree of #Privacy (up to a point).
Awesome #CyberDeck
#smartphones #tech #surveillance #corporatism #diy #raspberrypi #privacy #cyberdeck
All that #cancer caused by the "probably carcinogenic" (W.H.O.) herbicde, not just on GM #soy but other crops too, is just yet another opportunity to do more "#CancerResearchFoundation"ing, right.
Gotta find that elusive "cure". *wink
#cancer #soy #cancerresearchfoundation #corporatism
Where #God closes an #Afghanistan, he always opens a #Ukraine.
#WWContinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #corporatism #neoliberalism #nazism #micimatt #wealthExtraction #USA #russia #nato
#god #afghanistan #ukraine #wwcontinues #weaponsIndustry #investmentOpportunities #corporatism #neoliberalism #nazism #MICIMATT #wealthExtraction #usa #russia #nato
@mangeurdenuage @Moon @teknomunk
We don't condone burning #theFed and its twelve "member banks".
#papacy #corporatism #neoliberalism #bankBurning #art #bitcoinArt #hangingBankers #moneyPrinterGoDrr #corporateStateTotalitarianism
#thefed #papacy #corporatism #neoliberalism #bankburning #art #bitcoinart #hangingbankers #moneyPrinterGoDrr #corporateStateTotalitarianism
Anti-Intellectualism Is Killing America
Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason.
Key Points
* Ignorance, or an aversion to reason, has allowed things like gun violence and racism to define American culture.
* Anti-intellectual societies fall prey to tribalism and simplistic explanations, are emotionally immature, and often seek violent solutions.
* Corporate interests encourage anti-intellectualism, conditioning Americans into conformity and passive acceptance of institutional dominance.
#chatteleconomy #socialmanipulation #classwar #psychologicalwarfare #indirectplutocracy #publicassault #exploitation #theft #control #corporatism #dystopia
#chatteleconomy #socialmanipulation #classwar #PsychologicalWarfare #indirectplutocracy #publicassault #exploitation #theft #control #corporatism #dystopia
“We’re in a propaganda war, but only one side is on the battlefield”
As heat records break, the climate movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong
The fossil fuel industry has spent billions on winning over the public. Green activists must learn from its tactics, says Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland.
#climate #classwar #corporatism #corruption #money #profitganda #ecocide #tactics #fight
#climate #classwar #corporatism #corruption #money #profitganda #ecocide #Tactics #fight
Global Capitalism: Capitalism Turns to the Authoritarian State [July 2023]
Global Capitalism Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 7:30 Capitalism Turns to the Authoritarian State.
#neoliberalism #fascism #corporatism #authoritarianism #structuralviolence #unnecessarydeath #profit #disciplining #classwar
#neoliberalism #fascism #corporatism #authoritarianism #structuralviolence #unnecessarydeath #profit #disciplining #classwar
A few important points:
• Dot not mistake #Corporatism for #Capitalism
• These so called #DigitalMonopolies only exist due to corporatism, such gargantuan companies without profit only exist due to #MoneyPrinting
• Inviting regulators not only will freeze #Innovation but it will lead to a #Dystopian Internet far worse than what it is now
• The more politicians get involved in the Internet, the more stupidity you'll see
#corporatism #capitalism #digitalmonopolies #moneyprinting #innovation #dystopian
The Surging Arrogance of #Corporatism https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/06/26/the-surging-arrogance-of-corporatism/