Took the long way around Loch Linnhe today to get to the Fort (all the Corran ferries are broken). Really pretty, as long as you’re not in a hurry or you work on the other side.
#highlands #lochaber #corrannarrows
#corrannarrows #lochaber #highlands
Last call for the May Yan Tan Tourer Yarn Club!
Sign ups close on Friday.
Find out more and sign up at:
#yarn #knitting #crochet #scotland #corran #corrannarrows #corranlighthouse #lochlinnhe #yarnclub #indiedyer #indiedyedyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #water #caledoniancanal
#yarn #knitting #crochet #scotland #corran #corrannarrows #corranlighthouse #lochlinnhe #yarnclub #indiedyer #indiedyedyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #water #caledoniancanal
Sign ups are now open for the May Yan Tan Tourer Yarn Club!
We will be taking our inspiration from the image, 'Corran Narrows Lighthouse', by @shutterspot
The image was taken at Loch Linnhe in Scotland.
Find out more and sign up at:
#yarn #knitting #crochet #scotland #corran #corrannarrows #corranlighthouse #lochlinnhe #yarnclub #indiedyer #indiedyedyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #water #caledoniancanal
#yarn #knitting #crochet #scotland #corran #corrannarrows #corranlighthouse #lochlinnhe #yarnclub #indiedyer #indiedyedyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #water #caledoniancanal