If anybody would like help with their English, I can do that.
I'm a professional English teacher with 30 years experience in the language sector.
Are you practicing #languages on #Mastodon. I'm a #Spanish native speaker and I'd like to help you with my language by correcting your #toots. Just add #correctMyEs and I'll try and #correct your them.
If you like this idea you can also help correct others. Look for your native-language #hashtag and turn on notifications.
For English: #correctMyEn
For German: #correctMyDe
For Italian: #correctMyIt
More language codes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
Share please! We can #learn from #cooperation
#languages #mastodon #spanish #toots #correctmyes #correct #hashtag #correctmyen #correctmyde #correctmyit #learn #cooperation
@GregDance Unfortunately, I don't think it's working. If it was, we would be saying temperature 🌡️ is not skyrocketing. But maybe I'm being a bit pessimistic about this.
I totally agree with Phoebe, we are already failing on our climate promises we've made, we're already acting too late, we just talk and talk and talk but we don't take action. We know the solutions but we pretend everything is normal.
#correctmyEn (=corrections appreciated 👍).
@GottaLaff That's worrying. I can't imagine Canada going through droughts. In my country, Spain, we are used to them. All that's happening in Canada are signs of climate change.
#correctmyEn (corrections are appreciated 👍).
Hey! Do you want to #help #Mastodonters to learn their target language?
Correct your #native #language!
Look for the #hashtag "correctMy" + 2 letters corresponding to the ISO 639-1 language name 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes .
Examples: #correctMyEs, #correctMyFr, #correctmyDe, #correctMyEn...
🚨Then #FOLLOW the hashtag of your native language and help people #improve the language they're learning. I'm from Spain, I correct #Spanish ☺️. #langtwt #langtoot #languagelearning
#help #mastodonters #native #language #hashtag #correctmyes #correctmyfr #correctmyde #correctmyen #follow #improve #spanish #langtwt #langtoot #languagelearning #share
@LevelUp I hope that helps ☺️. Remember to correct toots from people learning your native language in order for this idea to work.
#Marseille, where streets smell of #soap. Good #temperature, nice and #friendly people. I'm enjoying speaking #French a lot. I've always loved this beautiful #language.
#Marseille #soap #temperature #friendly #french #language #correctmyen
@paultk So sad to see all that #smoke because of #fires. Part of it arrived in #Spain, my country.
#correctMyEn (= correct my English to improve my language skills)
#correctmyen #smoke #fires #spain
@duckweed By the way, if you want, we can make a tandem and meet on Skype. I'm a Spanish-native speaker, actually two (my husband likes language exchanges too), so if you need help just shoot me a toot 😊
¿Quieres que un hablante #nativo corrija tus #toots para mejorar el #idioma que aprendes?
Intento poner en marcha esta iniciativa: añade el #hashtag #correctMyEn en tu #toot para que un nativo de #inglés pueda corregirte. Añade #correctMyFr para #francés.
Busca #correctMyEs si eres hispanoparlante y corrige a quienes aprenden nuestro idioma: el #español.
Resto de lenguas 👉 https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:List_of_language_names_ordered_by_code
🔁📨 Comparte este toot, deja que te ayuden y ayuda en el aprendizaje de lenguas. ¡Es #gratis!
#nativo #toots #idioma #hashtag #correctmyen #toot #Ingles #correctmyfr #frances #correctmyes #espanol #gratis
¿Quieres que un hablante #nativo corrija tus #toots para mejorar el #idioma que aprendes?
Intento poner en marcha esta iniciativa: añade el #hashtag #correctMyEn en tu #toot para que un nativo de #inglés pueda corregirte. Añade #correctMyFr para #francés.
Busca #correctMyEs si eres hispanoparlante y corrige a quienes aprenden nuestro idioma: el #español.
Resto de lenguas 👉 https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:List_of_language_names_ordered_by_code
🔁📨 Comparte este toot, deja que te ayuden y ayuda en el aprendizaje de lenguas. ¡Es #gratis!
#nativo #toots #idioma #hashtag #correctmyen #toot #ingles #correctmyfr #frances #correctmyes #espanol #gratis
Do you want a native speaker to correct your toots to improve your target language?
I think we're a great community and we can help each other.
Just add #correctMyEn in your toots if you want an English-native speaker to correct your toot in English.
Add #correctMyFr if you want a French-native speaker to correct your toot in French.
#correctMyEs for Spanish (Español)
#correctMyDe for Germán (Deutsch).
Look here for more languages https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:List_of_language_names_ordered_by_code
Share and let's help each other!!
#correctmyen #correctmyfr #correctmyes #correctmyde
Do you want a native speaker to correct your toots to improve your target language?
I think we're a great community and we can help each other.
Just add #correctMyEn in your toots if you want an English-native speaker to correct your toot in English.
Add #correctMyFr if you want a French-native speaker to correct your toot in French.
#correctMyEs for Spanish (Español)
#correctMyDe for Germán (Deutsch).
Look here for more languages https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:List_of_language_names_ordered_by_code
And so on.
Let's help each other!!
#correctmyen #correctmyfr #correctmyes #correctmyde
Use #correctmyEn in your todos If you want a English-native speaker to correcto your English.
Use #correctmyFr If you want a French-native speaker to correcto your French.
#correctmySp for Spanish.
#correctmyGe fof Germán.
#correctmyIt for Italian.
And so on.
Let's help esch other!!
#correctmyen #correctmyfr #correctmysp #correctmyge #correctmyit
🇬🇧 Do you like #Mastodon? Complete the #poll, boost the toot and let's see what other users think about :mastodon: .
🇪🇦 ¿Qué opinas sobre Mastodon? Comparte la #encuesta y conoce la #opinión de otros #usuarios.
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0 = I 🤢🤮 Mastodon.
10 = I ❤️ Mastodon.
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#mastodon #poll #encuesta #opinion #usuarios #sondage #correctmyfr #correctmyen #twitter #tiktok #hivesocial #hivesocialapp #bluesky #facebook #meta #instagram #threats #reddit #tech #opensource