Did you know that there are more than 30 factual inconsistencies on the internet regarding the achievements of #WomenInSport?
For example, which player has scored the most tries in a Rugby World Cup?
Internet Answer: Jonah Lomu and Brian Habana
Correct Answer: Portia Woodman
#CorrectTheInternet https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/sport/2023/01/global-campaign-to-correct-gender-biases-in-internet-searches-for-women-in-sport-to-launch-at-football-ferns-game.html?utm_content=buffer41117&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bufferapp.com&utm_campaign=buffer
#womeninsport #correcttheinternet
"Many of the world’s best athletes are women. And many of the world’s sporting records are held by women. But due to human bias, our search engines have learnt to prioritise sportsmen in our search results, even when the facts put sportswomen first."
This is a great project and something I can easily do while sitting and watching TV! #correcttheinternet #womeninsport #womeninsports
H/T to the excellent #InvisibleWomen newsletter for the pointer
#correcttheinternet #womeninsport #womeninsports #InvisibleWomen
Search ‘Who has won the most Rugby World Cups?’ The facts say the Black Ferns.
The internet says the All Blacks. 🤷🏼♀️
This is just one of many incorrect search results out there.
#correcttheinternet #womeninsport
Q: Which team has won the most Basketball World Cup titles?
A: The internet says United States/Yugoslavia with 5 titles each
The stats say: THE USA WOMEN’S TEAM with 11 (US)
Search ‘which team has won the most basketball world cup titles?’
The facts say the USA Women's Team. The internet says the USA Men's Team.
This is just one of many incorrect search results out there.
Let's #CorrectTheInternet
Get Correcting! >>>> https://www.correcttheinternet.com/get-correcting
As an avid follower of women’s sports I find this an incredibly powerful campaign. #woso #tennis #womenssports #correcttheinternet #AI
#WoSo #tennis #womenssports #correcttheinternet #ai
If you ask Google "most goals in world cup" the answer is Miroslav Klose with 16, when in fact it's Marta with 17.
You can help change these search results with #correcttheinternet, a great project to make sportswomen more visible:
#correcttheinternet #nwsl #wsl #uwcl #DieLiga #frauenfußball
In dieser Kampagne geht es zwar um Sportlerinnen, aber letztendlich sollten wir generell die Augen offen halten.
Der Videoclip geht nur 'ne Minute, guckt mal:
"The internet as learnt our bias. We created it. We have the power to fix it."
Love this. Women don’t need to rewrite history. They have already done amazing things. We just need herstory to be recorded and celebrated.
RT @stellamills__@twitter.com
History must be written with female athletes in it 🤔
So often women’s sporting achievements are minimised due to incorrect information sharing 😬
This campaign is nothing short of AMAZING 👏🏼
I know I’ll #CorrectTheInternet will you?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stellamills__/status/1616363750960898048