Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
261 followers · 407 posts · Server todon.eu

The USA barely did anything in WW2 other than definitively take the mantle of global hegemony away from the UK.

#history #ww2 #stalin #correcttherecord

Last updated 2 years ago

Bryan Schott · @SchottHappens
522 followers · 392 posts · Server journa.host

"Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong." - Albert Einstein

RT @goud4clerk@twitter.com

@SchottHappens@twitter.com In other words, it was me and you don't have an accurate quote. @laurengustus@twitter.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/goud4clerk/status/

#lazyjournalism #correcttherecord #wordsmatter

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server brighteon.social

Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I correct the record regarding the recently leaked Gab employee emails, and how this doesn't change the fact that Gab has censored multiple popular creators/alt-tech advocates from their site in the recent past. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my JoshWho TV channel and check out my other videos there.


#joshwhotv #creationsocial #alttech #Censorship #gab #correcttherecord

Last updated 4 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server brighteon.social

Here is my new video where I correct the record regarding the recently leaked Gab employee emails, and how this doesn't change the fact that Gab has censored multiple popular creators/alt-tech advocates from their site in the recent past. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help spread the word.


#creationsocial #alttech #Censorship #gab #correcttherecord

Last updated 4 years ago