Tired of these studies overstating the results by confusing #correlation and #causation. A recent #PNAS paper (co-authored by D. Kahneman!) starts with the question "can money buy happiness?"... and does no offer any evidence of a #causal relationship https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2023/08/01/studying-average-associations-between-income-and-survey-responses-on-happiness-be-careful-about-deterministic-and-causal-interpretations-that-are-not-supported-by-these-data/ #stats #statistics #correlationisnotcausation
#statistics #correlation #causation #pnas #causal #stats #correlationisnotcausation
Tired of these studies overstating the results by confusing #correlation and #causation. A recent #PNAS paper (co-authored by D. Kahneman!) starts with the question "can money buy happiness?"... and do no offer any evidence of a #causal relationship https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2023/08/01/studying-average-associations-between-income-and-survey-responses-on-happiness-be-careful-about-deterministic-and-causal-interpretations-that-are-not-supported-by-these-data/ #stats #statistics #correlationisnotcausation
#correlation #stats #statistics #causation #pnas #causal #correlationisnotcausation
Porque un México sin helado, sería un México sin vissssstimas de tiburón 🦈
Evergreen blog post about why most nutritional studies, and especially the reporting on those studies, are complete garbage: http://www.gnolls.org/2893/always-be-skeptical-of-nutrition-headlines-or-what-red-meat-consumption-and-mortality-pan-et-al-really-tells-us/
#food #diet #nutrition #meat #science #CorrelationIsNotCausation
#correlationisnotcausation #science #meat #nutrition #diet #food
BBC Radio 2 are parroting the government statistic about how people who have more maths education are paid more.
It implies but DOES NOT mean that teaching maths to kids for longer will increase everyone's wages. We'll still under-pay humanities, shop workers, etc
It just means that jobs requiring maths (and associated skills) pay more.
12 Workouts to Try in 2023 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/30/well/workouts-exercises.html
I hate this:
“20 percent of older adults struggle to balance on one leg for 10 seconds or more. What’s more, those who could not do it were twice as likely to die within the next 10 years.
Fortunately, there are ways to improve your balance…”
no wonder why some claim there's a credibility crisis in science...
#covid #canpoli #covid19 #CorrelationIsNotCausation #CredibilityCrisis
#credibilitycrisis #correlationisnotcausation #COVID19 #canpoli #covid
How shitty I feel about myself today is directly proportional to the shittiness of the food I've eaten over the last week. #correlationisnotcausation
Correlation is not causation, in genetics too. #genomic #genetic #epidemiology #correlationisnotcausation
People don't mate randomly – but the flawed assumption that they do is an essential part of many studies linking genes to diseases and traits
#genomic #genetic #epidemiology #correlationisnotcausation
@nicd not sure why this popped on my list but must come and say it’s a typical Fl day but every time I step out- it rains- so… considering the indoor lifestyle for my community’s sake… except for when the crops need rain… I suppose… #Correlationisnotcausation
@nicd not sure why this popped on my list but must come and say it’s a typical Fl day but every time I step out- it rains- so… considering the indoor lifestyle for my community’s sake… except for when the crops need rain… I suppose… #Correlationisnotcausation
Just because you wrote the code, and the computer did what you told it to do, doesn't mean it's the code that's causing the computer to do what you told it to do. #CorrelationIsNotCausation #OneConspiracyPerDay
#OneConspiracyPerDay #correlationisnotcausation