Was it coincidence that #NZTV1's show #7Sharp told us what foods poison dogs less than 24 hours after #CoronationStreet told us? (Note to UK friends - NZ is about a week behind you, as you may have read on #Corriepedia.)
#nztv1 #7sharp #coronationstreet #corriepedia
@corriepodcast Looking forward to recent #Coro or #Corrie summaries. #Corriepedia continues to grow.
@nikki @ThatJacquiOne There are quite a few very dedicated fans of #CoronationStreet working on #Corriepedia.fandom.com. I've made a few edits over the years. (I'm rather a fan of #Fandomdotcom, as several #Fediverse members know.) Site has articles about most characters and actors and episodes and houses and barmaids etc. It's "#Corrie" in the #UK, but in #NewZealand even the broadcaster calls it #Coro".
#coro #newzealand #uk #corrie #fediverse #fandomdotcom #corriepedia #coronationstreet