If #CorruptCannon permits him to get his own #SCIF
I want one too
I know after living in this house for over 40 yrs
I’ve got some documents that must be classified
If she grants his request, we will know she is beyond redemption
#CaptainCapslock wants his own SCIF?
Well hell, if he gets one, I want one too
I’m sure after living in this house for over 40 yrs
I’ve got some documents that must be classified
If #CorruptCannon grabs his request, we will know she is beyond redemption
#corruptcannon #captaincapslock
Has Trump-owned #AileenCannon, at any point, demonstrated any fitness or competence to serve?
Former @FedSoc President Leonard Leo, paid $600-1,000 per night for a 6 day vacation at a Montana luxury resort in Oct 2021 for her
Via Joyce Vance:
"..Plenty of opportunity for Trump to manufacture delay & if this date slips, it makes it far less likely trial happens before the election. & setting it in Fort Pierce with its tiny courtroom & no cameras allowed is a disservice to democracy."
#TrumpIndictment #Documents #CorruptCannon #DOJ #legal #MAL #JackSmith
#trumpindictment #documents #corruptcannon #doj #legal #mal #jacksmith