Touched by an Angel seems a bit tame.
I'd rather watch Fucked by an Angel.
(Yes, there's a movie called Touched by an Angel.)
#TouchedByAnAngel #fuck #sex #tame #angel #CorruptedMovieTitle
#touchedbyanangel #fuck #sex #tame #angel #corruptedmovietitle
Monty Python and the Holy Fuck
Sir Galahad gets his wish at Castle Anthrax. First, the #spanking, and then the oral sex.
The End.
#MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail #MontyPython #sex #OralSex #SirGalahad #CastleAnthrax #CorruptedMovieTitle
#spanking #montypythonandtheholygrail #montypython #sex #oralsex #sirgalahad #castleanthrax #corruptedmovietitle
Three Men and a Coffin
An undertaker is pressed for cash and decides to stuff three men into one standard size coffin. You'll laugh at the juggling he has to do when the families of the three deceased show up at the same time.
(This one is kinda bilingual. The French "couffin" is not used where I'm from, so I always do a double take on that one.)
#ThreeMenAndABaby #TroisHommesEtUnCouffin #coffin #undertaker #CorruptedMovieTitle
#threemenandababy #troishommesetuncouffin #coffin #undertaker #corruptedmovietitle
The Drapes of Wrath
A husband buys drapes for the living room, but his wife thinks they are ugly. She decides to buy her own drapes to replace his. Hilarity ensues.
#TheGrapesOfWrath #drapes #HilarityEnsues #CorruptedMovieTitle
#thegrapesofwrath #drapes #hilarityensues #corruptedmovietitle
Star Trek V: The Final Bagel
The replicators on the starship Enterprise are out of order. The crew fights over the last bagel left in the cafeteria.
#startrekv #bagel #enterprise #corruptedmovietitle
A Boy and His God
In a postapocalyptic future, a boy discovers that the God he was praying to is just a Commodore 64 tripping acid.
#ABoyAndHisDog #postapocalyptic #future #God #Commodore64 #tripping #acid #CorruptedMovieTitle
#aboyandhisdog #postapocalyptic #future #god #commodore64 #tripping #acid #corruptedmovietitle
The guy responsible for scheduling at ENCOM is dematerialized and becomes the program responsible for scheduling inside the mainframe.
#tron #corruptedmovietitle #scheduling #cron #unix
Hunt for the Black Socks
I dropped my socks and now I must find them. I have to go on a long quest that takes me under the sea.
#huntforredoctober #sock #corruptedmovietitle
The Old Man and the Sink
An old man is called to unblock a #sink, but the sink rebels. Who will win?
#TheOldManAndTheSea #CorruptedMovieTitle #OldMan
(Yes, I know it is a book too.)
#sink #theoldmanandthesea #corruptedmovietitle #oldman
Fart of Darkness
A man lets out a #fart so powerful that it blocks the rays of the sun and plunges a whole country into #darkness.
#fart #darkness #heartofdarkness #corruptedmovietitle
Hamsters of the Universe
"Dr. Evil is marching upon us! What shall we do?"
"Good god! I'm afraid there is only one solution."
"No! Are you suggesting..."
"Yes, we must call... the Hamsters of the Universe to our rescue."
#mastersoftheuniverse #corruptedmovietitle #hamsters
Raiders of the Lost Cause
"Hey, we should raid this place... 🤔 Nah... upon further consideration, I think it is a lost cause anyway. The End. [Applause and ovation.] "
#raidersofthelostark #movie #corruptedmovietitle #lostcause
Invasion of the Bloody Snatchers
"Those bloody snatchers keep bloody snatching every bloody thing in sight, they do!"
#InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #Movie #CorruptedMovieTitle #bloody #snatcher
#invasionofthebodysnatchers #movie #corruptedmovietitle #bloody #snatcher