L’action individuelle, c’est du narratif inventé par eux.
Ce qui marche, c’est de prendre le pouvoir.
C’est donc une action politique.
Ce qui marche, c’est de bloquer les flux d’argent.
Tu vois très bien ce qui marche : c’est ce qui les rend hystériques.
Comme la grève générale.
Ou Denis Robert qui met en lumière les chambres de compensation.
Ou @bastamedia qui parle des #corruptions africaines de certains.
#spirituality only, will never make you full, we understand well that. Thanks to the post-materialists! But it is also part of our intrinsic nature. So we need spirituality in our life : )
As much as we need love <3
Lately it became clear from where the #wars #corruptions #banksters #drugs #exploitation are coming from. We can name the evil.
Now it is time to make it stop. Say stop!
Thanks for reading ^^
#philosophy #spirituality #wars #corruptions #banksters #drugs #exploitation
i was fucking dying watching this :meru_meruomegalul:
#Ghana #Ghananews #HumanRights #humanrightsviolations #2022results #News #USSTATEDEPARTMENT #America #USA #Africa #Africans #Freedomofpress
#GAF #Beatings #Torture #Murder #USA #Investmentnews #Investing #Corruptions #Bribery #Government #Politics #Political
#Ghana #ghananews #humanrights #HumanRightsViolations #2022results #news #usstatedepartment #america #usa #Africa #africans #freedomofpress #gaf #beatings #torture #murder #investmentnews #investing #corruptions #bribery #government #politics #political
Mitigating Silent #Data #Corruptions in #HPC Applications Across Multiple Program
Pourquoi toléres-tu cette #société, #violences, #corruptions, #manipulations ?
#CoviD19 #coronavirus #conscience
#capitalisme = #mensonge
#société #violences #corruptions #manipulations #covid19 #coronavirus #conscience #capitalisme #mensonge