Tramp the dirt down.
Former Queensland police commissioner Terry Lewis, Joh Bjelke-Petersen's top cop, dies at 95 - ABC News
Went to see a brilliant Stage version of The Bee Keeper of Aleppo. Brilliant production & heart-breaking stories that we need to all hear. Especially in the ‘reign’ of the utterly #CorruptTories we sadly find ourselves in. The second picture is a reminder of how they use those with nothing to rile up their rabid racist followers. 😥😥 #RefugeesWelcome #RememberSyria
#corrupttories #refugeeswelcome #remembersyria
So, #Cruella is at it again. Read this. This tells me that she is planning to change the law to avoid 'the legal requirement to accommodate them."
#humanrights #ukpol #corrupttories #cruella
Bouncers at the Ballot Box Could Turn Away Thousands in May Elections with No Right of Appeal
#UKPolitics #VoterSupression #CorruptTories #Elections #VoterID
#ukpolitics #votersupression #corrupttories #elections #voterid
@TheNational …so the government’s spy boss is guest editing Radio 4 Today programme. To promote “trust” in their activities. This is propaganda. How could this be balanced? BBC is now, clearly, just a tool of the #CorruptTories
@PeterStefanovic the #CorruptTories are relying on:
A) general public not comprehending the magnitude of loss that brexit has caused i.e a million and billion is similar, education level
B) the MPs don’t know the difference between a million and a billion etc again and educational thing OR the performative enthusiasm will mask the truth
Maybe that’s why Sunak has suggested extra maths. Why was Truss so pleased, she’s a maths major?
Gas prices have dropped to pre Ukraine war prices, so why are ours still 5 times higher than the rest of the EU and are going up again in April?
#Brexit is a proven disaster but the #CorruptTories continue to double down in a desperate effort to marginalise, generate fear and retain power. They have no vision for this country, only a desire to walk away having bled us dry.
#Brexit #corrupttories #ToriesOut
Tories can always find that Magic Money Tree when they want to…😡🤬
#MagicMoneyTree #CorruptTories #ToryLegalBills #ToryCorruption #ToryAusterity
#ToryAusterity #ToryCorruption #torylegalbills #corrupttories #MagicMoneyTree
@russellengland project fear strikes again no doubt 🙄🙄 as if this wasn't entirely predicable. The fact that no one has been held to account for this devastating act of self harm to our country still blows my mind, but let's continue to blame refugees and migrants 🤬
#Brexit #Corruption #CorruptTories #Remainer #Remoaner #GuardianReader #Wokearati
#Brexit #Corruption #corrupttories #remainer #remoaner #guardianreader #wokearati
@ElaineLP depressingly it feels like nothing ever happens to these people who milk the #CorruptTories deals though. Somehow they wiggle out of it, whilst keeping their ill-gotten gains 😕
The Police should be visiting Michelle Mone and we, the tax payer should be getting our money back! #CorruptTories