ポンプヘッドが光るCORSAIRの水冷クーラー「iCUE RGB ELITE」にホワイトモデル
#akiba_pc #自作PC #PCパーツ #水冷クーラー_パーツ #Corsair #主要PCパーツ
#akiba_pc #自作pc #pcパーツ #水冷クーラー_パーツ #corsair #主要pcパーツ
Planes fill sky above
In an air show all weekend
Keep it safe up there.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #BlueSkies #AirShow #KeepItSafe #PropsAndPistonsFestival #Airplane #Plane #Corsair #Mustang #Ohio #AKR
August 19, 2023
#akr #Ohio #mustang #corsair #plane #airplane #propsandpistonsfestival #keepitsafe #airshow #blueskies #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
HS80 MAX, los nuevos auriculares gaming de Corsair https://www.dekazeta.net/hs80-max-los-nuevos-auriculares-gaming-de-corsair/
#Corsair #HS80Max #Gaming #Videojuegos #PCGaming #PS5 #PS4 #NintendoSwitch #Switch #Android #iOS
#corsair #hs80max #gaming #videojuegos #pcgaming #ps5 #ps4 #nintendoswitch #switch #android #ios
This Corsair power supply can handle the RTX 4090 and is down to $125 at Newegg - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/this-corsair-power-supply-can-handle-the-rtx-4090-and-is-down-to-125-at-newegg #Corsair #PSUs #PC
Tails 27th July 2023.
Unknown registration Boeing 747, Corsair, at Paris Orly, either 1993 or 1996.
#Paris #Orly #ORY #LFPO #Boeing #B747 #Corsair
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#paris #orly #ory #lfpo #boeing #b747 #corsair #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
The F4U #Corsair is your starter plane in #TheCrewMotorfest and I could not be happier about that #avgeek #warbirds #RacingVideoGames #RacingGames
#corsair #thecrewmotorfest #avgeek #warbirds #racingvideogames #racinggames
Corsair is buying DIY mechanical keyboard brand Drop - Enlarge / Drop has made some pretty expensive keyboards, like this $349... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1954545 #mechanicalkeyboards #acquisition #corsair #tech #drop
#drop #tech #corsair #acquisition #mechanicalkeyboards
Gotta admit, Corsair acquiring Drop is a weird one for me... https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/17/23797338/corsair-drop-acquisition-mechanical-keyboards
#corsair #acquisition #drop #massdrop #technews #tech #news
#corsair #acquisition #drop #massdrop #technews #tech #news
Oyun donanımı lideri Corsair, kişiselleştirilebilir mekanik klavye ve aksesuarlarıyla tanınan Drop'u bünyesine katarak sektördeki varlığını genişletiyor. #Corsair #Drop
This UK deal on a 32GB kit of DDR5-6000 CL30 RAM is ideal for Ryzen 7000 PCs - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/this-uk-deal-on-a-32gb-kit-of-ddr5-6000-cl30-ram-is-ideal-for-ryzen-7000-pcs #Corsair #DDR5 #RAM #PC
Corsair presenta el ratón Nightsabre Wireless y el teclado K65 Pro Mini https://www.dekazeta.net/corsair-presenta-el-raton-nightsabre-wireless-y-el-teclado-k65-pro-mini/
#corsair #nightsabrewireless #k65promini #pcgaming
Been dickering for six weeks with #Corsair for warranty replacement of 11-year-old #DDR3 #RAM sticks. Since it was a matched kit of four x 4GB, they wanted all four back, although only one was bad. Since they no longer make it, they suggested a substitute -- not a matched kit, but four of the same model. I said yes. Package arrived today, containing only one 4GB stick. Fortunately I thought ahead and bought some Crucial RAM before returning the Corsairs.
So, sämtliche Komponenten für meinen neuen #PC sind bestellt. Na hoffentlich reicht mein Fachwissen und das Zeug passt auch wirklich zusammen und werkelt dann auch noch mit #openSUSE #Linux .
#AMD #Ryzen5 #msi #corsair #ArcticCooling
We will see!
#ArcticCooling #corsair #msi #ryzen5 #amd #linux #opensuse #pc
ゲーマーに人気の10キーレスキーボードを選ぶならCorsairの「K60 PRO TKL」や「K70 RGB TKL」を見逃すな!【PR】
#Corsair_Gaming_旧称_Vengeance_Gaming #Vengence #Corsair #ヴェンジェンス #コルセアゲーミング #キーボード
#corsair_gaming_旧称_vengeance_gaming #vengence #corsair #ヴェンジェンス #コルセアゲーミング #キーボード
Get 32GB of Corsair DDR4-3600 CL18 RGB RAM for £67 after a £26 discount - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/get-32gb-of-corsair-ddr4-3600-cl18-rgb-ram-for-67-after-a-26-discount #Corsair #DDR4 #RAM #PC