@jamesmullen First game? Avoid the gimmicks. Also Cortex is literally built for Robin Hood / Leverage play. That’s a real solid choice.
#CortexPrime #ttrpg
I'm still looking into running my first #CortexPrime game, with three different campaign ideas jostling in my mind. Two of them have big gimmicks and one is more straightforward:
- A fantasy game where everyone has a different set of traits to reflect their 'character class.'
- A dual setting, split between the 1990s and a comic book vision of 1950s superheroes.
- A game about a band of thieves & scoundrels having to use their skills to save the world.
For rules, I think #CortexPrime is my favorite of all time. I was a relative latecomer to the Cortex train, but I'm totally onboard now.
#cortexprime #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg
Another #CortexPrime spreadsheet, this time for a potential campaign I might run later this year, featuring corporate & political intrigue mixed with classic superheroics. #ttrpg https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QhF7QcffEhDmZOB9Ds6buJvbJXUWxj5IkA3MN2oyNME/edit?usp=sharing
So the room for my Hammerheads one-shot is coming along nicely. Sheets look good, all pregens created. I created a sheet for the crisis pools, have a handy region map for color. Trying to figure out if I need anything else, likely handout-wise or images or similar.
#cortexprime #hammerheads #blueplanetrpg #ttrpg #playrole
Lot's of #CortexPrime diving today, as I played about creating spreadsheets for a couple of hypothetical #ttrpg campaigns I might want to run at some time in the future.
Bau wasn't born so much as designed to be perfect by their wealthy parents. Fortunately, Bau's parents were also socially progressive and succeeded in instilling the drive to use their genetic gifts for the betterment of society. Bau joined the Solar Rescue Corps immediately after graduating from medical school. After several postings in the Sol system, Bau put in for a transfer to the Hammerheads unit on Poseidon.
#cortexprime #hammerheads #blueplanetrpg #roleapp #ttrpg
Jenaro grew up in the slums of Haven, Poseidon's largest colony. They had a troubled youth with a number of run-ins with law enforcement until they were put into a community work program and discovered a love for firefighting. Jenaro was recruited directly into Hammerheads as part of a GEO effort to increase the representation of Native-born agents.
#cortexprime #hammerheads #blueplanetrpg #roleapp #ttrpg
Valda was born in the hybrid colony on Poseidon. Their father was a law enforcement officer and Valda followed in their footsteps, joining the Native Patrol. They worked hard to secure a position with Hammerheads: Poseidon, and don't want anything to jeopardize it. Valda has a relatively rare genetic adaptation for Silvas that gives them prehensile feet and smaller canines than other Silvas.
#cortexprime #hammerheads #blueplanetrpg #roleapp #ttrpg
Josh is unusual for a dolphin in that their social name doesn't reflect their profession. It's actually something of a joke that only Josh is privy to and apparently it's a pretty funny joke.
#cortexprime #hammerheads #blueplanetrpg #roleapp #ttrpg
I'm slowly beating the #RoleApp sheets for Hammerheads: Poseidon into shape, and learning quite a few things. It's far from perfect, but I think it's going to be easier than running a one-shot in another VTT. I also modified the Hammerhead logo that's in the #CortexPrime handbook. #TTRPG
Thrashing out some concepts for the #PloughShares #ttrpg I was working on using #CortexPrime and I can hear that poor tortured system screaming as I do things with it it was never meant to do.
Some snapshots of the character types in progress are attached.
#ploughshares #ttrpg #cortexprime
My #ttrpg effort this weekend is on getting ready to run #Skycrawl by Aaron A. Reed using #cortexprime . (To a significant degree, specifically stealing from #TalesOfXadia )
We did session zero last week - players made interesting characters and I'm excited to explore the Azure Etern with them. But first I need to get more stuff in my head and figure out how much I need prepped ahead for this particular kind of sandbox game.
#ttrpg #skycrawl #cortexprime #talesofxadia
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 24: the most complex #ttrpg I run is #CortexPrime. There's a lot of mods to pick up or leave aside depending on your setting, and once done, this system is a breeze.
The easiest game I run is #GobelinquisenDedit. Its ultra-simple system really helps having fun and works lethally well to that end! #rpg #RPGaDAY
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #cortexprime #gobelinquisendedit #rpg #rpgaday
Day 20: Favorite Licensed RPG
I think this has to be #TalesOfXadia. It captures the feel of The Dragon Prince, it uses #CortexPrime, and it lends itself to so many stories.
Runner up would be Blades in the Dark, if you consider it the licensed Thief RPG.
Two days ago, I finally managed to run a one-shot session of @thoughty's #Solarpunk using the #CortexPrime system, and it ended up being really satisfying. Violence shunned out by the PCs who chose to be pacifist Faleres, and they did manage to save Sandalwood Bay. First time running Cortex Prime, first contact with the solarpunk genre, and I loved the experience! I want to run more, and I want to know more!
#ttrpg #rpg #jdr @RustySellsword
#jdr #rpg #ttrpg #cortexprime #solarpunk
Two days ago, I finally managed to run a one-shot session of @thoughty's #Solarpunk using the #CortexPrime system, and it ended up being really satisfying. Violence was shunned out by the PCs who chose to be pacifist Flares, and they did manage to save Sandalwood Bay. First time running Cortex Prime, first contact with the solarpunk genre, and I loved the experience! I want to run more, & I want to know more!
#ttrpg #rpg #jdr @RustySellsword @foundryvtt
Check @alxd's podcast for more solarpunk
#solarpunk #cortexprime #ttrpg #rpg #jdr
#RPGaDay2023 18. Favorite game system.
The one that best fits the game, and us, players (gm included).
However, I have a few sets of rules I like very much. I usually like #pbta games. #bitd Blades in The Dark also. And #BelongingOutsideBelonging games. #CityOfMist is my 2022 game of the year. It will hold my thoughts for a while, yet. #CortexPrime is a great toolbox, very versatile, far quicker to fit efficiently to a game idea than pbta/bitd. And of course I like my own #ancolie quite much.
#rpgaday2023 #pbta #bitd #BelongingOutsideBelonging #CityOfMist #cortexprime #ancolie
I'm having a nose into Cortex Prime, because a system designed to be adaptable through modular builds might be just what I need. A few campaign ideas I've had could fit quite nicely into that wraparound format that can be customised to the tone & content I have in mind.
#ttrpg #CortexPrime