Gizmodo: NYC Bans TikTok on City Devices #restrictionsontiktokintheunitedstates #alexandriaocasiocortez #mobileapplications #technologyinternet #censorshipoftiktok #videosoftware #youthculture #jamaalbowman #gizmodo #tiktok #cortez
#restrictionsontiktokintheunitedstates #alexandriaocasiocortez #mobileapplications #technologyinternet #censorshipoftiktok #videosoftware #youthculture #jamaalbowman #gizmodo #tiktok #cortez
Attacking Christianity again #CrazyCortez #Christian #Cortez
#crazycortez #christian #cortez
Here's a quick look at some recorded #precip across the area. The question now becomes how much is #snow and how much is #rain? #Durango is reporting snow, #Cortez some light rain. Looks like a mixed bag. Let us know what you're seeing. If snow, how much did ya get? #utwx #cowx
#precip #snow #rain #durango #cortez #utwx #cowx
Tra Shakira e Gerard Piqué spunta la modella Suzy Cortez | Intrattenimento #shakira #gerard #piqué #spunta #modella #suzy #cortez #intrattenimento #6giugno
#6giugno #intrattenimento #cortez #suzy #modella #spunta #piqué #gerard #shakira
@schestowitz Very sad and very true. It would be great if #Greenwald started his own site, but as he once admitted to the wonderful Jimmy Dore, he now has more money than he ever had before.
And I've got the sense he's not letting go of that, even while his own personal values remain uncompromised.
I thought about this, and I think that the simple comfort of a spacious, warm villa that one owns tames even the strongest of lions (we see similar degradations and alibism from #Sanders, #Cortez).