Music of 528 Hz but not control 440 hz has effect on autonomic nervous system (increase of oxytocin, decrease of cortisol). In other words music of 528 Hz lowers stress and let us feel comfortable.
#cortisol #oxytocin #BioScience #Music #stress #relax #Neurobiology #AutonomicNervousSystem
#cortisol #oxytocin #bioscience #music #stress #relax #neurobiology #autonomicnervoussystem
#Noise. It Can Take Years Off Your Life
#Radio #KQED #noisepollution
#health #HBP #cortisol #heartdisease
#noise #radio #kqed #NoisePollution #health #hbp #cortisol #heartdisease
#Noise : It Can Take Years Off Your Life
#noise #health #cortisol #hbp #heartdisease
Reduce stress related symptoms with Corti Clear!
Corti Clear is a unique supplement designed to support healthy cortisol levels in the body. With balanced cortisol levels, the body can maintain a healthy stress response.
The potential benefits from balancing cortisol levels with Corti Clear are endless. This can include reduced feelings of anxiety, increased relaxation within the body, enhanced working memory & cognitive capacity, improved sleep quality, & more.
Corti Clear’s ingredients include Ashwagandha, L-theanine, & banaba leaf, which all work synergistically to support the body’s natural functions.
Check out this amazing product at
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #cortisol
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #cortisol
“Welcome to the club! #Brainstem abnormalities now join the list of other issues ( #EBVReactivation, #CPET abnormalities, small fiber #neuropathy, #dysautonomia, low #cortisol, symptoms, etc.) that are linking #MECFS and #LongCovid together ever more tightly.”
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pwME #Fibromyalgia #pwFM #
#pwfm #fibromyalgia #pwme #myalgicencephalomyelitis #LongCovid #mecfs #cortisol #Dysautonomia #Neuropathy #cpet #ebvreactivation #brainstem Look younger in a week. You can discover how to Reverse Gray Hair Naturally and it really works, Simple oils rubbed into your hair follicles and hydroxy blocking nutrients you take as a vitamin work together to restore your natural hair color. Stress and Cortisol (the stress hormone) turn off Catalase and Melanin (enzymes that give your hair its color.) Use these natural supplements and essential oils and get your natural hair color back! #grayhair #greyhair #stress #cortisol
#cortisol #stress #greyhair #grayhair
It is the main source of stress, fear, anxiety and depression. High levels can cause headache, heart diseases and other disorders. #stress #cortisol #anxiety #depression #lowercortisol #fear
#stress #cortisol #anxiety #depression #lowercortisol #fear
“ We investigated if #cortisol, the primary circulating #glucocorticoid in #teleosts, could be extracted from #stickleback #dermal bone and quantified using a commercially available #enzyme immunoassay (EIA)."
by Dillon , Witten & Buck
#cortisol #glucocorticoid #teleosts #stickleback #dermal #enzyme
All fear is manufactured. Americans produce more #cortisol than we do #testosterone or #estrogen
#cortisol #testosterone #estrogen
#Preterm #babies are extremely vulnerable because they miss out on a crucial final #developmental stage in which the #hormone #cortisol is produced and released exponentially into the unborn baby’s blood.
#Medical #sflorg
#preterm #babies #developmental #hormone #cortisol #medical #sflorg
Zuviel #Empathie macht krank
Wer glaubt, Mitgefühl sei in erster Linie ein Geschenk an die Mitmenschen, von dem man selber nichts hat, der täuscht sich. Auch hier lohnt sich der Blick auf ein Hormon: das Cortisol. Dieses Hormon schütten wir in #Stresssituationen aus. Mitgefühl und die damit verbundene Ausschüttung von #Oxytozin reduzieren das #Cortisol und damit unseren Stress.
gelesen bei:
#empathie #stresssituationen #oxytozin #cortisol
Following my 3 last posts:
How #Stress from #Homophobia Affects the Mind and Body of #LGB People
About a chronic higher #cortisol, a stress hormon, that leads to diseases of the immune system, cardiovascular diseases, beneath a lot of psychological problems.
#LGBTQ #LGBTIQ #LGBT #Homophobia #lesbian #gay #bisexual #Homo #HomoHate #Hate #Minorities
#minorities #hate #homohate #homo #bisexual #gay #lesbian #LGBT #LGBTIQ #lgbtq #cortisol #lgb #homophobia #stress
Most people don't know what it's like to have chronically fucked up #cortisol. "Don't stress out" is not only a non-answer, but irrelevant!
When my cortisol is high or crashing, I can't:
- Pay attention to the news
- Watch action movies
- Listen to music that gets me "amped"
- Exercise
- Enjoy erotica
- Work on tense scenes in my fiction
- Do basically anything that isn't calm, relaxed, slow, or *boring*.
I look forward to finally being diagnosed🤞
#hpaaxisdysfunction #cushings #addisons #cortisol
To help regulate your #cortisol levels, says Andrew #Huberman, go out in the morning and enjoy the sun, preferably without sunglasses. Umm, okay. This is my morning sun until March.
But.. There's a solution. Get a light #therapy lamp. Using this lamp won't cure #depression but it has been shown to help reduce symptoms such as lack of energy, trouble sleeping, anxiety, as well as feelings of sadness, hopelessness and irritability.
Photo overexposed 🤭
#cortisol #huberman #therapy #Depression
Volop in een nieuw project voor #explobots gedoken. Werktitel: “Het zonnetje in huis”. Een project rond de #zon, #licht, #kleur, #fotosynthese, #kleurstoffen, #melatonine, #cortisol en meer dan dat. Nu volop aan het experimenteren met #fosforescerende #stenen.
#explobots #zon #licht #kleur #fotosynthese #kleurstoffen #melatonine #cortisol #fosforescerende #stenen
The first participant in a clinical trial received an experimental drug to treat patients with depression that express high levels of a stress-related protein. #science #business #biotechnology #neuroscience #depression #mentalhealth #clinicaltrial #biomarkers #cortisol #stress #protein
#science #business #biotechnology #neuroscience #Depression #mentalhealth #ClinicalTrial #biomarkers #cortisol #stress #protein
#breakfast of #chai tea and #cortisol exhaustion; must finish this piece of music that has a working title of "Floyd Fusion Blues"; sanding #polycrylic sealer coat on the guitar body; Linda has taken Wylee to get his nails did at the groomer; #Amazon 's music apps are super flakey; Sprint and HIBEX 70s era hypersonic tech; Herschel Walker camp learns GOP is only giving them $.10 on the dollar LOL; 31 degrees last night, ahrgh; #guitarlessons
#breakfast #chai #cortisol #polycrylic #amazon #guitarlessons
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease because it requires a change in your lifestyle to remove stress points
Don't bite more than you can chew
When you get stressed the body releases several hormones many of which can raise your blood glucose level (ex. #adrenalin) or make you hungry (ex. #cortisol )
So keep stress in check
(This is so easy to preach but difficult to practice)
#cortisol #adrenalin #worlddiabetesday