If you are in or near #Corvallis ( #Oregon ), you might be interested in this gem:
“The OSUsed Store carries #Computers and computer accessories, #Furniture (desks, file cabinets, tables, chairs, bookcases, etc.), #OfficeSupplies, #SportingGoods, #HouseholdItems, #Bicycles, #ScientificEquipment and glassware, and much more.”
#corvallis #oregon #computers #furniture #officesupplies #sportinggoods #householditems #bicycles #scientificequipment #thrifting #surplus #osu
This week in and around Corvallis, OR, you can help clean up our river by boat, hear a science talk about beavers, get your hands in the dirt restoring an Indigenous first foods area or cleaning up a native plant garden, and even watch a rehabilitated owl be released over a glass of local wine. Not bad for the first week of summer in a college town.
#OregonStateUniversity #oregon #corvallis
RAIN. Not just a teasing sprinkle but a proper soak. We get more than our share in the winter, but from June to September, it always feels like a gift. Excuse me while I stand in it grinning like a wet idiot.
Don't play with my emotions, weather app. Even a half hour of light rain would be a dream and do wonders for this warm and allergic boy.
#gimme #orwx #oregon #corvallis
In preparation for the TED talk I'm gonna give on July 2nd, today I'm listening to a whole bunch of TED talks.
#tedtalk #corvallis #tedxcorvallis #tedx
This week around Corvallis, Oregon, we've got a big engineering expo, some river and habitat cleanups, and a webinar on gardening for bees. Lots to do, and pretty good weather to do it in.
#OregonStateUniversity #oregon #corvallis
Spring is turning into summer here in Corvallis, Oregon, and that means nighthawks in the sky, a changing cast of wildflowers and the last few OSU science talks of the year. Plus volunteer opportunities to help clean up trails and a very cool documentary on sound at the Darkside:
#OregonStateUniversity #oregon #corvallis
This week, there are so many science and nature things to do in my little college town of Corvallis OR. If you happen to like pulling weeds and don't have enough of your own, what a week. There are at least three conservation weeding/pulling events. (Even if you don't, come out and help restore some habitat.)
Most notably, in a town known mostly for wildlife and ecology, we have a world class physics talk tomorrow night.
#Corvallis #Oregon #OregonStateUniversity
#OregonStateUniversity #oregon #corvallis
Truly a beautiful and bittersweet day to go away (grayhound got delayed) #corvallis #oregon
Enjoying the library and lovely day in #Corvallis #Oregon before I go down to Grants Pass for the weekend for a birthday
This Saturday is Earth Day, and there is no shortage of ways to celebrate and contribute this year in and around Corvallis, Oregon. Help restore a meadow of Indigenous first foods, clear invasive trees, take down old fences, or join a nature parade. And afterward, let's all together to raise a glass at the after party.
#EarthDay #Corvallis #Oregon #PNW #OregonStateUniversity #FirstFoods
#firstfoods #OregonStateUniversity #pnw #oregon #corvallis #earthday
It's almost Earth Day, folks, and if you're in or near my town of Corvallis, Oregon, there is a ton of science stuff to see this week: Lectures, a green power expo, SYMPOSIA (plural!). If watching smart people talk about the work that gets them excited is your preferred source of serotonin, as it is mine, come on out: https://www.corvallisadvocate.com/2023/corvallis-science-nature-twas-the-week-before-earth-day/
#Corvallis #Oregon #OregonStateUniversity #Science #EarthDay #NotYetButSoon
#notyetbutsoon #earthday #science #OregonStateUniversity #oregon #corvallis
My cousin, the cool one, lives in Corvallis, Oregon.
It would be amazing to move there one day.
It's a beautiful place.
#oregon #pnw #corvallis #dreams #gowest
If you're a science and nature enthusiast in or around Corvallis, Oregon, we've got it all this week: Movies, talks, webinars. Lots to see.
(And Happy 18th birthday, Darkside):
#oregon #corvallis #PNW #OregonStateUniversity
#OregonStateUniversity #pnw #corvallis #oregon
If you live anywhere near the Oregon Coast, 'tis the season for spring whale watching. All this week, through April 2, volunteers will be on hand to help spot migrating gray whales all along the coast.
There's also even more bad news for Oregon trees, and a new science pub on plankton and climate next week.
My latest for the Corvallis Advocate: https://www.corvallisadvocate.com/2023/corvallis-science-nature-whale-watch-week-tree-habitats-shifting-plankton-and-climate-science-pub/
#whales #oregon #OregonCoast #corvallis #OregonStateUniversity #PNW
#pnw #OregonStateUniversity #corvallis #oregoncoast #oregon #whales
I never appreciate the two days between winter and allergy season enough. Off to the store to get zyrtec.
Tomorrow, Corvallis will have Syrian food! I can't wait to work my way through every inch of this menu. So many tasty options: https://www.khalonaser.com/home
This is my favorite weather: blue sky, long sleeve Oregon spring. Too warm for jackets, too cold for shorts. We don't get that many days of it in the average year, and it's glorious.
Yes, it's a few degrees on the warm side for March, AND ALSO I am going to allow myself to enjoy having my porch door open in the afternoon for the first time in six months. Good to see rain in the forecast. Wet as this winter's been, I'm happy for more. We'll be begging for it by August.