#poetrycomics #comicspoetry #chapbook #poetry #comics #patreon #disabledartist
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HEY EVERYONE! I have AWESOME NEWS to share! *Takes a deep breath for courage* ...Okay, here goes:
I am self-publishing a chapbook of poetry comics, and it's almost done! WOO-HOOOO!!!
Announcing this project has been surprisingly hard. I mean, really *really* hard. I've had to wade through a lot of internal noise & shaming around disabilities, internalized ableism, productivity, & all the awful messages we *all* get that our worth will be measured primarily by our ability to work & produce. All that garbage. I'm pretty sure many of you know what I mean & have struggled with at least some of this, some of the time. So I wrote a Patreon post trying to untangle all that, in case it's helpful to anyone else - hell, it might even be a pep-talk of sorts. If you wanna wade into that with me, you can find that here:
...Honestly, I'd really love to have your feedback on this & to hear how *you've* found your way through this stuff. Because you might notice that I scraped together the courage to make this announcement on Patreon back in March - and it's taken me just under 4 whole months longer to be brave enough to make a more general announcement here. I've been so afraid to jinx myself, so afraid to announce this project and then fail. I haven't known what to do with these fears. I didn't used to struggle with these kinds of doubts. YUCK.
Mostly the only way I know how to deal with fear is to shrug and do the thing anyway. I wish it actually felt as simple as that! So if any of you want to share how *you've* handled these kinds of fears & hesitation, I'd really love to hear what's worked for you - I could use some more tools for this particular toolkit. Suggestions, anyone?
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#selfpublishing #projects #illustration #PTSD #perfectionism #ableism #innercritic #confidence #corvid19 #firstflight
#PoetryComics #comicspoetry #chapbook #poetry #comics #patreon #DisabledArtist #selfpublishing #projects #illustration #ptsd #perfectionism #ableism #innercritic #confidence #corvid19 #firstflight
The difference between having dangerous fools, who think they are clever, with having clever fools in charge of a country!
How Germany got coronavirus right: https://www.ft.com/content/cc1f650a-91c0-4e1f-b990-ee8ceb5339ea #corvid19
Both the UK & USA are nuclear armed countries, run by fools, who think they are clever. The most dangerous kind of fool. Their utter incompetence, is reflected in the increasing death toll from #corvid19!
UK COVID-19 death toll tops 47,000 as pressure heaps on PM Johnson https://reut.rs/36C2tIT
Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership https://theconversation.com/three-reasons-why-jacinda-arderns-coronavirus-response-has-been-a-masterclass-in-crisis-leadership-135541?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=bylinetwitterbutton via @ConversationEDU #corvid19
Beim #wirvsvirus entstand auch eine Karte, welche verschiedene Datenquellen und Indikatoren nutzt, um die Qualität von #socialdistancing zu messen:
#WirvsVirus #SocialDistancing #datascience #gis #corvid19
Bayrisch Staatsregierung wertet Versammlungen als Straftat;
"Während all diese Beispiele als Ordnungswidrigkeiten gelten, wertet es die Staatsregierung als Straftat, wenn sich Menschen in Gruppen versammeln. Innenminister Herrmann kündigte an, dass Verstöße konsequent verfolgt werden und die Polizei - wo nötig - noch stärker kontrolliert."
#corona #grundrechte #grundgesetz #versammlungsfreiheit #corvid19 #Versammlungsverbot
#corona #grundrechte #grundgesetz #versammlungsfreiheit #corvid19 #Versammlungsverbot
Morgen trifft sich meine #PenAndPaper Runde das erste mal online. Geht in #Corvid19 Zeiten nicht anders, auch wenn man das natürlich nicht damit vergleichen kann am selben Tisch zu sitzen, aber immerhin gehts. Ich mag das Internet :)
Spent the afternoon and evening in a quiet @DoESLiverpool workshop testing and prototyping #corvid19 face shield designs. With any luck we'll be able to put our kit to work to help the NHS staff stay safe despite the #PPE shortages (more at https://www.instagram.com/p/B-LT14Og6Iv/)
RT @VillageFederal@twitter.com
#Corvid19: "Tester, tester, tester." disait l'#OMS. Que nenni selon la macronie. #Veran annonce du changement, on testera, mais "après le confinement". Position ridicule, pour ne pas dire criminelle. Les pays qui ont testé massivement et dès le début s'en sortent beaucoup mieux.
Krisen wie #Corvid19 sind Stunden der #Exekutive - völlig klar. Aber weil in einer Demokratie das Parlament die Exekutive kontrolliert und legitimiert - erst recht in einer Krise - muss es eben auch die Zeit des Parlaments sein. #Bundestag
RT @Verfassungsblog@twitter.activitypub.actor
Braucht der Bundestag in Zeiten der Pandemie einen "Notausschuss"?
Überhaupt keine gute Idee, findet CHRISTOPH MÖLLERS.
#corvid19 #Exekutive #bundestag
RT @PiratenDdorf@twitter.com
Warum Freie Lizenzen und staatliche Forschung wichtiger sind statt privat finanzierter Forschung?
#SharingIsCaring - #Corvid19 ist das ultimative Beispiel. Nicht, dass Urheberrechte noch die Menschen gefährden.
Hatten #Piraten von jeher im Programm. https://twitter.com/DLFNachrichten/status/1239086510076542976
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PiratenDdorf/status/1239127691971960832
#sharingiscaring #corvid19 #piraten
Autonomic are working on supporting local #Corvid19 #coronaUK mutual aid groups with tech infrastructure.
Pls share
#Birmingham #Brum #MutualAid
#corvid19 #coronaUK #birmingham #Brum #mutualaid
just seen a very serious and important post on twitter with the hashtag #corvid19
RT @pirat_feige
Ich finde es sehr bezeichnend was alles mit #corona #Corvid19 begründet wird:
#Wirtschaft fördern
#Banken helfen
#Vorratsdatenspeicherung einführen
#bewegungsprofile erstellen
Wer kein Geld bekommt:
#corona #corvid19 #wirtschaft #banken #vorratsdatenspeicherung #bewegungsprofile #pflegepersonal #ärzte #Intensivstationen