Los aviones ni se crean ni se destruyen, sólo se traspasan a @Stratolaunch@twitter.com.
RT @ShorealoneFilms@twitter.com
MORE!! #VirginOrbit shot’s from today.
The end of a long career. #VirginOrbits #CosmicGirl has begun stripping of its livery before changing into #stratolaunch colors #avgeek 06-13-23
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ShorealoneFilms/status/1668773075259912192
#virginorbit #virginorbits #cosmicgirl #Stratolaunch #avgeek
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AA0348 Tail: #N744VG
Owner: #VirginOrbit
Aircraft: #Boeing 747
2023/01/13 10:12:42
#B744 #CosmicGirl #IThoughtYouWasAPilotNotAnAstronaut #Rockets https://w.wiki/4mcc
#planealert #aa0348 #n744vg #virginorbit #boeing #b744 #cosmicgirl #ithoughtyouwasapilotnotanastronaut #rockets
RT @tmro@twitter.com
Want to see some RAW 4K footage of @VirginOrbit@twitter.com's #CosmicGirl 747? Thanks to @dpoddolphinpro@twitter.com, now you can!
A new graphic has appeared on the UK CAA's Drone Code guidance pages.
Wild to be living in a time where authorities have to tell citizens not to fly their personal Unmanned Aerial Vehicles within 5km of a place where actual spaceships take off.
#virginorbit #cosmicgirl #drones
Habe erstaunlich spät davon mitbekommen, ist das Hochbefördern von Satelliten (1) durch das UK (2) per Flugzeug schon so alltäglich? #CosmicGirl
Branson's not the only thing that failed to get into orbit.
RT @raycasey2003@twitter.com
@beezlebum@twitter.com No, the only thing that has taken a beating is tax-dodging Richard Branson's reputation after that tin-pot "space launch" publicity stunt fail
#ToriesOut187 #VirginOrbit #VirginOrbitFail #CosmicGirl
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/raycasey2003/status/1612715211852582918
#toriesout187 #virginorbit #virginorbitfail #cosmicgirl
Eerste lancering vanuit Engeland mislukt
De allereerste orbitale missie die vanuit het Verenigd Koninkrijk werd gelanceerd is niet volgens plan verlopen. Die lancering, de “Start Me Up”-missie van Virgin Orbit ging goed van start. Het vliegtuig dat de raket droeg, Cosmic Girl geheten, vertrek volgens schema op maandag 23:02 uur Nederlandse tijd vanaf Spaceport Cornwall.
#VirginOrbit #launcherone #cosmicgirl #ruimtevaart
Vertical rate into launch at approx. 23:09 GMT
#cosmicgirl #rocket #adsb #avgeek
"UK space launch: Historic Cornwall rocket launch ends in failure..."
#cosmicgirl #virginorbit #Space
Bin ich in der falschen Bubble unterwegs oder gibt es hier wirklich keine Informationen zum #CosmicGirl ?
That was a most underwhelming rocket launch. Hopeless presentation quality. Filmed on a potato and accompanied by muzak. Mission control looked like a portacabin. Rocket has of course disappeared. But at least there were burger vans for the folks who ventured to Newquay. It couldn’t get any more British… #UKLaunch #VirginOrbit #StartMeUp #CosmicGirl
Gutted for the boys and girls who worked so hard on this.
#uklaunch #virginorbit #startmeup #cosmicgirl
Wait...Cornwal has a spaceport? Well, I'll be....!
RT @SkyNews
Lift off!! 🚀
#CosmicGirl has taken off from Spaceport Cornwall.
Our science correspondent @SkyNewsThomas has the latest on the ground.
#VirginOrbit live updates 👉 https://trib.al/xHg1gye
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
Friend: "How's it going?"
Me after watching a live stream of any space mission launch event: "Nominal."
#virginorbit #startmeup #cosmicgirl
In ca. 30 Minuten wird #CosmicGirl von #VirginOrbit die #LauncherOne-Rakete ausklinken!
#cosmicgirl #virginorbit #launcherone #startmeup
I guess we taking off in Kernow, but “firing” it near Ireland in case something goes wrong? #CosmicGirl
So British. A little #CosmicGirl #LauncherOne festival, complete with camping chairs and burger vans. 🤘