We use #CosmicVoids in [1][2], which in N-body sims are traced by low num-densities of particles => high noise. Full #Maneage controls + fixed seed rng's. We still have intramachine + (higher) intermachine randomness. Statistical upper limits to results OK. But still untraced sources of randomness.
Any clues for remaining randomness [2]?
#Reproducibility #ArXiv_2304_00591 #OpenScience
[1] Frozen record: https://zenodo.org/record/7792910
[2] Live git: https://codeberg.org/mpeper/lensing
#openscience #arxiv_2304_00591 #reproducibility #maneage #cosmicvoids
#CosmicVoids should be detectable via their #GravitationalLensing effects.
Check this starting with a floppy-disk sized source snapshot [1].
#Reproducibility is via the #Maneage template of shell+make files.
Full research paper: [2][3][4][5]
[1] https://zenodo.org/record/7792910/files/lensing-e4f7af0-snapshot.tar.gz
[2] Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00591 #ArXiv_2304_00591
[3] Frozen record: https://zenodo.org/record/7792910
[4] Live git: https://codeberg.org/mpeper/lensing
#openscience #cosmology #arxiv_2304_00591 #maneage #reproducibility #gravitationallensing #cosmicvoids
The force is with us.
A great, unseen force is pushing our galaxy across the cosmos - a paper by Lauren Tousignant writing for the New York Post on the discovery of the Dipole Repeller: https://nypost.com/2017/02/01/a-great-unseen-force-is-pushing-our-galaxy-across-the-cosmos
The research paper published in Nature Astronomy: https://rdcu.be/wqbG
#dipolerepeller #universe #cosmology #cosmography #astronomy #astrophysics #space #science #galaxies #cosmos #physics #scicom #cosmicweb #cosmicvoids #greatattractor #milkyway #galaxy #nature #research #astrodon
#dipolerepeller #universe #cosmology #cosmography #astronomy #astrophysics #space #science #galaxies #cosmos #physics #scicom #cosmicweb #cosmicvoids #greatattractor #milkyway #galaxy #nature #research #Astrodon