I just migrated my mastodon account to cosocial.ca. Happy to be here at a smaller, more focused instance.
New instance = a good time for an #introduction.
Hi everyone, happy to be joining the #cosocial community.
I'm a lifelong nerd, introvert, and over-privileged settler. I've been hanging out in the North since 2007.
I enjoy helping make things that work for people.
Indoors, I'm interested in the independent web and boring technology.
Outdoors, I enjoy camping, hiking, cross-country skiing, canoeing and mountain biking.
Unlikely to post much, but often lurking, occasionally boosting.
@bourgeoibee @jai @evan @blogdiva @DickHardt @J12t @ntnsndr
#CoSocial is a community service coop (a form of non-profit cooperative), but I've previously incorporated and been a member of a worker coop.
Hi #CoSocial ... meeting tonight..4pm PT / 7pm PT (do we have members joining in other timezones?)
... link below to Zoom
The #cosocial board of directors has voted not to block Meta's new project Threads (also known as #p92 ).
While I think that not blocking Threads is unambiguously a bad thing, I am happy with the process by which this decision was come to. CoSocial put out a request for comments from it's audience (under the #CoSocialMeta ) tag, and the decision truly does match the (quite overwhelming) consensus of sentiment under that tag.
Never got around to my #introduction post, so copying from my profile.
Am a curious person at heart.
Building things with a #human-centred #design lens (aka #ux). Gathering #ideas #stories and #data while keeping a #criticalcultural perspective (aka #diversity #dei #race)
Atm between #yvr and #yow thinking about Canadian digital spaces at #cosocial
Also #food & #recipes #startrek #theory #books #forestbathing #indianclassicalmusic
With forays into conversations about #grief #psychosis
#introduction #human #design #ux #ideas #stories #data #criticalcultural #diversity #dei #race #yvr #yow #cosocial #food #recipes #startrek #theory #books #forestbathing #indianclassicalmusic #grief #psychosis
How To Make the Least-Worst Mastodon Threads | by Cory Doctorow | Apr, 2023 | Medium
#Activitypub #Mastodon #CoSocial https://doctorow.medium.com/how-to-make-the-least-worst-mastodon-threads-daa33943ac31
#activitypub #mastodon #cosocial
This should help understand why #Twitter hasn't gone down... yet.
CC #cosocial @evan