As we're prepping for our #CoSocialAGM2023 and are leaning into the members forum more fully, I ended up posting our official rules of the #coop
I _think_ we can take the PDF and turn it into a set of linked forum pages and it will be usefully indexed and searchable.
If you'd like to help with this, leave a comment.
Note: that is a #CoSocialCa members-only link. We might make it visible in the future, but for now, serving members.
#cosocialagm2023 #coop #cosocialca
I'm soliciting feedback on a possible resolution to prohibit advertising at #CoSocialCa
I'm running for the Board of Directors of #CoSocialCa at our annual general meeting.
This is my candidate statement:
...Anything to put in front of members, like a proposal needs to be shared by September 15th so members have time to consider
*** CoSocial Members: Save the date for our AGM on October 3rd ***
You should have received an email to let you know about the first AGM being held by videoconference on 3 October 2023 at 4PM PT/5PM MT/6PM CT/7PM ET/8PM AT/8:30PM NT.
Are you interested in getting more involved as a member of the board, or by joining a working group?
Any issues important to membership that we should be discussing?
Let us know at #CoSocialAGM2023 or on Discourse: