A really great read on the nuanced issues around federating with large instances that the Woof Group server wrote up https://blog.woof.group/announcements/considering-large-instance-federation
Relevant for #CoSocialMeta and for me, this is effectively my stance as well.
Whether Threads or Tumblr or Medium (or Mozilla or or or) large instances are going to have impact.
See their admin post here for the full read https://woof.group/@admin/110702337591901604
Thanks @johannab for sharing with me
The #cosocial board of directors has voted not to block Meta's new project Threads (also known as #p92 ).
While I think that not blocking Threads is unambiguously a bad thing, I am happy with the process by which this decision was come to. CoSocial put out a request for comments from it's audience (under the #CoSocialMeta ) tag, and the decision truly does match the (quite overwhelming) consensus of sentiment under that tag.
The board decision on #CoSocialMeta has been published on the blog https://cosocial.info/cosocial-board-decision-on-threads/
“#CoSocialCa will not pre-emptively defederate from the Threads app fediverse instance by Meta. However, we authorise the Trust & Safety team to take *all* necessary steps to protect user safety on CoSocial”
CoSocial Board decision on Meta’s “threads” offering and de-federation: https://cosocial.info/cosocial-board-decision-on-threads/
[CoSocial is a member-owned registered co-operative Fediverse instance for residents of Canada, $50/year membership makes it sustainable.]
#CoSocialMeta suggestion for the board: maybe want to consider a membership voting tool like loomio? Might be helpful for board meetings too.
I believe what the fediverse needs to do is get positive control of the protocols, avoid Big Tech domination of the protocol forum, & get a solid instance cooperative structure in place - a co-op for co-ops or similar.
And if worse comes to worse, then defederate.
#CoSocialMeta Hi Board.
Tldr I am not in favour of preemptive meta blocking.
I do agree this needs careful watching. There are numerous risks when Leviathan joins the party including #EEE moderation overwhelm, infrastructure scaling,
I liked this post as a thoughtful assessment:
“If you trust your local users to only follow good people, you should only see good posts from meta.”
I know just enough about this to know I don't know much..
A cautious yes, but watch the results carefully. I think it's both early days on how this federation stuff works out, and I also think it's a benefit for the Meta users to hear about the alternatives.
IMHO this outweighs the risk of "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish".
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend them at all, but my mental model of the fediverse is one that is open.
If that openness and trust is misused then absolutely shut them out. Just as long as whatever that standard is is upheld equally.
Regarding the #CoSocialMeta discussion on defederating from Meta I think the wait and see approach makes sense.
I think they should be held to the same standards as any other instance we federate with and I don't think we necessarily need to have a separate set of rules for them.
If there is a concern about them profiting off of ads next to our posts that get federated into their system, how is that any different than an app developer profiting off of an app people use to read our posts with?
First weekly ops update
Thanks for all #CoSocialMeta feedback so far - keep it coming.
Job posting for a paid junior sysadmin role will go up next week
First member office hours by @alkatandan
Watch for #HotFedi chat with @timbray
More content & volunteers need for comms
We have a VanCity bank account!
T&S review of #NewsCoSocial Lemmy to schedule
Full post on the blog https://cosocial.info/first-weekly-ops-update/
#cosocialmeta #hotfedi #newscosocial #cosocialca
@cdevroe @wilkie @gruber Hmm this raises a couple questions for me. If fedi is not supposed to be broadly connected, is a person supposed to have mulitple fedi accounts? And technically, can the information be pillaged regardless if a node is connected? My feeling is in 2023, fedi should accept the fact its radically open and a computer system, and build for the user (rather than the extant oppposite). #CoSocialMeta
I don't trust Meta either, but it seems like we have choice in the matter of how much we feel we need to expose ourselves to their firehose. There is probably little to lose at the moment, since there is no Faustian bargain that we will be stuck with.
My take on #CoSocialMeta.
I would be in a favour of a wait-and-see approach, even if deeply hate Meta at every level.
Maybe naively, I see this as a possible opportunity to let people know about the fediverse.
I also think that actions or behaviour from Meta that would lead to the defederation should be discussed and established by the coop/board preemptively (ideally).
Ok, my take on the #CoSocialMeta topic.
I dropped off of Facebook and Instagram in 2014 when it became clear (to me) how little respect they have for their users.
I believe that #Meta is a horrible company run by a horrible person and I want nothing to do with it.
And yet… I am ok with their addition to the #Fediverse.
#cosocialmeta #meta #fediverse
I'm unaware of some issues re: Meta/ActivityPub (de)federate #CoSocialMeta topic but from what I've read, I'd prefer federation and a wait-and-see approach.
I'm very anti-Facebook/Meta. I love the ActivityPub protocol's potential to decrease unitary controls on social communications. Big actors adopting it, might prove a boon (or not).
Frankly, some Masto instances should operate entirely unfederated... nothing wrong with that. But I joined a federated community for its connection ability.
@evan I’m not optimistic about P92, but I don’t think defederating because we have a grudge is reasonable here. I appreciate the more anarchistic instances out there, but I’d like CoSocial to follow predefined rules for who we federate with, and make sure those rules anticipate evil corporations like Facebook. If federating is legitimizing them while they lock in users, for instance, I think that’s a red line. But our network is strong enough to survive without hasty decisions.
@dawn Meta does reasonably support the OpenXR standard, even though they have their own VR platform. I think "p92" is going to be separate from their main products, so it's probably more of a hedge so they can play along with standards if they have to (and some people probably want to). But they mainly seem to want to dislodge Twitter, which I don't see happening, unfortunately, because it's self-contained. #CoSocialMeta
My #CoSocialMeta take incoming--
I personally favour defederating more than not. But I can see how for some instances it might not be the right path. At a minimum transparency is essential.
I empathize with those who want to wait-and-see, or who focus on openness and interoperability, (who hope/think that this time things are different).
I have no goodwill for Meta, they do not act ethically, they'll extinguish fediverse as they can, and with their resources they'll manage to do some damage