This week's Friday #80s Flashback focuses on the 40th anniversary of Elton John's TOO LOW FOR ZERO.
However, The Police's SYNCHRONICITY also turns 40 this month. So, here's the June 4, 2021, post I wrote for its 38th anniversary.
#Synchronicity #thepolice #sting #cosomusic #80s
// In the Fall of 1993, between contracts with Capitol and RCA, The Smithereens ventured into Crystal Sound Studios NYC to write and record a new album for their own label. The results of those one month marathon recording sessions is this album, unheard by the outside world until now [September 23, 2022], and appropriately titled “Lost Album”. //
#CoSoMusic #Smithereens
Started working my way through Radio 1 Essential Mixes. Discovered mixesdb has them all with setlists and song links.
Last night I listened to Future Sound of London's 2hr Essential Mix from 1993. Wow! 🤯
If you like electronic, psychedelic, ambient music, I most highly recommend you check it out.
#futuresoundoflondon #cosomusic #dance #ambient #music
The always brilliant Peter Gabriel on his latest installment of his ongoing Full Moon project, "Playing for Time." I'll put a link to the song in a reply comment for your enjoyment.
#petergabriel #fullmoon #cosomusic
From 2006, here's Dirty On Purpose with the song No Radio. #HijackYourHead #CoSoMusic
#CoSoMusic #RedBone I am so looking forward to reading this!
Bix Ratings, baddest rock songs:
1> Kick Out James
2> Summertime Blues
3> Louie, Louie
4> Slow Death
5> Sonic Reducer
6> Search & Destroy
MC5 - Bremen, Germany 1972
Death Cab for Cutie “Long Division” #cosomusic
Supertramp “Take the Long Way Home” #cosomusic
My December newsletter is out! This month’s free piece is my arrangement of the Irish carol Don Oíche Úd i mBeithil (This Night in Bethlehem).
You’ll also receive 11 free pieces from this past year, some news, some gratitude, and some recommendations.
December Newsletter link:
Reallly hope all my neighbors can hear the pitch perfect Tom Waits impression I'm doing while singing along to Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis #CoSoMusic
🎶 What's Goin' On (Marvin Gaye) Feat. Sara Bareilles | Playing For Change 🎶
#CoSoMusic really digging this vibe today.
#sovietwave #synthwave #music #cosomusic
Squeeze “Black Coffee in Bed” #cosomusic