You know it... It *looks* like I was doing something for the presentation, but in reality, I was just checking my emails... 😂
#aes #girona #survival #bayesian #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #healtheconomics #bayesian #survival #girona #aes
About to leave for #Barcelona and then #Girona to attend the AES conference (to give a pre-conference workshop on survival modelling in HTA, tomorrow)!
#bayesian #costeffectiveness #hta #survival #girona #barcelona
Despite exuberance about the potential of #tirzepatide, NICE says nope, they will not yet endorse its use in the NHS. "Promising, but more info needed on outcomes and #CostEffectiveness."
#tirzepatide #costeffectiveness
And another one: we're now fully booked! I think registration will remain open to start a waiting list, just in case...
Looking forward to it!
#florence #summerschool #bayesian #hta #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #healtheconomics #hta #bayesian #summerschool #florence
RT @CHPtransplant
Great to hear from @BrianFeingold from @ChildrensPgh on #cellfreeDNA as an alternative to invasive biopsy monitoring in #pediatric #heart #transplant #costeffectiveness #qualityoflife #IPTA2023 @CareDx
#cellfreedna #pediatric #heart #transplant #costeffectiveness #qualityoflife #ipta2023
Quick update. 3 places left for our summer school. Register yours soon!
#bayesian #healtheconomics #modelling #rstats #florence #costeffectiveness #valueofinformation
#valueofinformation #costeffectiveness #florence #rstats #modelling #healtheconomics #bayesian
This week in the print version in Medical decision Making (yay!):
#healtheconomics #blendedSurvivalCurves #Bayesian #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #bayesian #blendedsurvivalcurves #healtheconomics
Those percentages seem in line with the blanket #NEI adder some states use in their #CostEffectiveness calcs. And this only includes public health impacts from emissions - there are lots more #NonEnergyImpacts (Full transparency - I used 2021 retail rates rather than 2023 because I think COBRA was last updated in 2020. The rates are much higher now.)
#nei #costeffectiveness #nonenergyimpacts
Making an informed decision: the key questions to ask when considering a biosimilar
#biosimilars #patientcare #medicationoptions #costeffectiveness
Tim de Gavre is vice president and chief commercial officer, Sandoz.
Listen here:
#biosimilars #patientcare #medicationoptions #costeffectiveness
If you don't want to see the bird site, this is the announcement that the registration for the #r-hta workshop in York is about to open!
#york #costeffectiveness #hta #r
Another plug for this: still some space available (not many though - we're over half the number of places!). If you are interested/work in #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness #hta Florence is the place for you!
Pinging also #zin and #dutch + #cadth #canadian modellers/researchers round here - I know you want it!...😉
#canadian #cadth #dutch #ZIN #hta #costeffectiveness #healtheconomics
RT @TMSnowsill
PharmacoEconomics has just published my invited & peer-reviewed Practical Application:
"Modelling the Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Tests"
You can read the full text at (no subscription needed)
#healthecon #costeffectiveness #hta
RT @TMSnowsill
PharmacoEconomics has just published my invited & peer-reviewed Practical Application:
"Modelling the Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Tests"
You can read the full text at (no subscription needed)
#hta #costeffectiveness #healthecon
Sorry to link to the bird site --- hopefully it'll be worth it... 😂 😂
#costeffectiveness #bayesian #hta #survival