To sum up how abjectly stupid manyUK voters are; there are still millions, in one of the world’s richest nations, who believe that “there is no money” to pay for public services. Unfortunately one of those idiots is Sir #Starmer
#starmer #costofGREEDcrisis #Costoflivingcrisis #labourparty
Private jets are causing significantly more pollution per passenger than any other mode of transportation including commercial flights. As we witness the devastating impact of climate change, please sign this petition to urge all governments to tax private jets immediately.
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
The climate crisis is here. The storm will not pass. Climate change will only get worse unless our politicians act. We have to do everything we can to stop causing more irreverable damage to the climate.
If you're in the UK, join me and email your MP now!
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
The idiots from the #BankOfEngland making the public suffer for the excessive profiteering of fossil fuel companies (the real reason prices keep risinf). #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis
#bankofengland #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis
The next UK General Election must be fought and won over climate change. Please sign this Greenpeace open letter to UK politicians.
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
"Don’t Stop thinking about tomorrow"
Here's a new video from Greenpeace, showing what could be described as "The Fossil Fuel Party".
Watch & Share
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
I've Just Worked Out...
When I was driving my medium-sized diesel car, a kWh of diesel (0.093 litres) would get me about 1.4 km down the road.
Now that I drive a similar-sized EV, a kWh gets me about 7 km down the road. That's 5 times further!
Based on this, in our transition from fossil-fuel energy to renewable energy, we only need a small fraction of the energy to be transitioned. The rest (in my example 80%) is not needed.
For a more detailed view of USA Energy Consumption in 2021, look at the chart. Basically, it says what I just said, but their “rejected energy” is 67%.
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
The World Health Organisation published a report showing that, in 2019, almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants. In the report, outdoor air pollution is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2019.
The report attributes almost all of this air polution to the burning of fossil fuels.
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
Mobile and broadband firms accused of fuelling UK ‘greedflation’ with major price hikes | Telecommunications industry | The Guardian
#Mobiles #broadband #greedflation #inflation #costofGREEDcrisis #tories #labour #ofcom #powell #socialtariff
Corporate profiteering is a much bigger factor in the #CostOfLivingCrisis than #Brexit and it is sheer distraction to focus on that.
#costofGREEDcrisis #brexit #Costoflivingcrisis
The UK Labour Party has pledged to decarbonise the UK power sector by 2030, five years earlier than under current government plans.
This would save up to 35TWh of gas in 2030.
#NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels
#nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels
Would you support or oppose a ban on new oil and gas developments in Britain's North Sea territory?
YouGov surveyed 2371 GB adults on 30th May 2023.
40% Support the ban
only 32% oppose it.
BUT why do 29% not know?
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
Energy voucher: Prepayment meter households urged to claim support before deadline | The Independent
#prepaymeters #energyvoucherday #energyvouchers #vouchers #fuelpoverty #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis
Martin Lewis has say as Ofgem cuts energy price cap and July date that bills will drop is revealed | The Independent
#costofGREEDcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #energy #energybills #EnergyPriceCap #Ofgem #EnergyBillsSupportEnding #EnergyBillsSupport #EnergySecuritySecretary #shapps #fossilfuels #EnergyPriceGuarantee #EnergyPriceGuaranteeEnding #fuelpoverty #poverty #NationalEnergyAction #standingcharges #martinlewis
Just Terminate Oil
Here's Arnold Schwarzenegger on the BBC, talking about Just Stop Oil:
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
Inflation may be down, but my food bill is shooting up and Britain feels more toxic than ever | Sharron Spice | The Guardian
#inflation #foodinflation #britain #ToxicBritain #racism #westminster #costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #IllegalMigration #asylumseekers #CountyLines
At the #BeyondGrowth Conferene 2023, the EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, said:
"A growth model, centered on fossil fuels, is simply obsolete"
"Building a 21st century, clean energy, circular economy is one of the most significant economic challenges for our times"
"Only a sustainable economy can be a strong economy"
"For the first time in history, in 2022, we generated more electricity from sun and wind than we ever did from gas and oil."
For more, see
#JustStopOil #CivilResistance #A22Network #NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis #CostOfGreedCrisis #FossilFuels #CivilDisobedience
#beyondgrowth #juststopoil #CivilResistance #a22network #nonewoil #enoughisenough #climatecrisis #climatechange #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #fossilfuels #civildisobedience
Firms seeking massive profits are driving inflation, not workers
'People should simply accept they are poorer,' says someone earning about £180000 (Bank of England chief Economist).
#inflation #costofGREEDcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #profits #wages #unite #BankOfEngland #profiteering #ProfiteeringCrisis #FoodPriceInflation #foodprices #FoodBank #brexit #InstutionalPoverty #destitution #poverty
Food prices soar to record high with coffee and ready meal costs hit | The Independent
#foodprices #FoodPriceInflation #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #ShopPriceIndex #BRC
UK supermarkets face calls for ‘profiteering’ investigation as inflation soars | Inflation | The Guardian
#uk #supermarkets #profiteering #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #libdems #BRC #inflation #foodinflation #profits